Submit your question and we’ll answer it in a future episode!
Have you ever been told that you should wean because your baby will get cavities from your breastmilk?
Are you convinced you should night wean because your sugary night-time milk is a toothache waiting to happen?
Well get ready. We are about to punch that theory in the teeth.
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Things we talked about:
Why has breastfeeding become so difficult?? Just a side tirade everyone should listen to.
***the question in everyone’s mind is - why is breastmilk only bad for baby’s teeth at night???***
New information about WHY breastmilk isn’t bad for your baby’s teeth!
We love science.
Breastmilk INCREASED calcium. In teeth. Bam, there you go naysayers.
Here is the links to the studies if you want to check it out~
Aly AAM, Erfan D, Abou El Fadl RK. Comparative evaluation of the effects of human breast milk and plain and probiotic-containing infant formulas on enamel mineral content in primary teeth: an in vitro study [published online ahead of print, 2019 May 23]. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2019;10.1007/s40368-019-00448-2. doi:10.1007/s40368-019-00448-2.
Moynihan P, Tanner LM, Holmes RD, et al. Systematic Review of Evidence Pertaining to Factors That Modify Risk of Early Childhood Caries. JDR Clin Trans Res. 2019;4(3):202–216. doi:10.1177/2380084418824262.
Neves PA, Ribeiro CC, Tenuta LM, et al. Breastfeeding, Dental Biofilm Acidogenicity, and Early Childhood Caries. Caries Res. 2016;50(3):319–324. doi:10.1159/000445910
Nirunsittirat A, Pitiphat W, McKinney CM, et al. Breastfeeding Duration and Childhood Caries: A Cohort Study. Caries Res. 2016;50(5):498–507. doi:10.1159/000448145.
This episode is sponsored by Fairhaven Health
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· Abby Theuring
· Dianne Cassidy
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Music: "Levels of Greatness" from "We Used to Paint Stars in the Sky (2012)" courtesy of Scott Holmes at Holmes