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What happens when you need to leave your breastfeeding baby while you take a trip? Is this even possible? Today, Dianne and Abby discuss traveling without the baby and how to prepare your baby for the separation. This is a must listen if you ever need to travel without your baby!
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Things we talked about:
Message from a listener about medications [6:34]
Meds and breastfeeding [7:50]
Email from a mom going o n a trip [10:32]
It’s not about the food [14:50]
Baby personalities [23:15]
Abby’s suggestion [23:28]
Pumping/expressing while on vacation [26:24]
This is harder on mom than the baby [27:18]
Breastfeeding is more than food [33:14]
Go on the honeymoon!! [36:52]
This episode is sponsored by: Dianne Cassidy Consulting
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Here is how you can connect with Dianne and Abby:
AbbyTheuring ,
Dianne Cassidy @diannecassidyibclc,
Music we use:
Music: "Levels of Greatness" from "We Used to Paint Stars in the Sky (2012)" courtesy of Scott Holmes at Holmes