In 2002 the fourth instalment of the Balance Series was mixed by Melbourne favourite Phil K, its combination of the then in-vogue tribal house and nu-breaks regarded by many as one of the highlights in the series. Not long after he was tapped by DJ Mag to be a part of their DJ World Series campaign, and he compiled an 11-track cover mount CD which showcased Australian breakbeat producers. Depending on who you converse with, this mix is considered one the best breaks mixes ever compiled (and in this writer’s opinion it is a very valid argument).
Phil is also part of production duo Lo-step (alongside Luke Chable) who in 2007 released their criminally underrated debut LP Because We Can on Global Underground. More famously, their music found heavy support from Sasha who signed ‘Burma‘ for his classic Involver mix. (On that note too, Phil has teased us with the promise of new Lo-step music: “Before the end of the year a couple of new Lo-step remixes which I can’t talk about yet…”
But when it comes to technique he has few rivals, and this is one of many reasons Phil K is considered one of the best in the world. In his hometown of Melbourne (and for those in the know around the world), Phil is revered as the DJ’s DJ, a technician who’s curiosity and love for new technology is only upstaged by his ability to tame each new item and employ it into his sets as if it’s been around for years. Even Pioneer has acknowledged his innate understanding of technology, and they approached him to help with the development of a prototype for the DVJ-X1 (the first visual and audio live mixer).
What we are getting at is that Phil K is a deadset legend and there aren’t many on this planet that can claim the skills or natural talent that he possess. Needless to say, we are ecstatic to finally have Phil compile us a mix, and in light of our mini-milestone of 50 podcasts, just in time too: He is an artist who has played such a vital part in the Balance narrative. With this mix he has delivered a engaging 2 hour extravaganza which in true Phil K style traverse breaks, house, techno, and whatever else. Featuring a mouth-watering selection of forward-thinking artists including Objekt, Pangaea, Kowton plus tracks from Phil’s new production alias Digital Stars…
This is something else...
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Soundcloud: @peaking