Balanced Bites: Talk on Food, Fitness, & Life with Liz Wolfe
1. What’s new for you from Diane [2:07]
2. This week in the Paleosphere: Diane’s PaleoFx takeaways [3:47]
3. Shout Out: Squirrel & the Bee [11:46]
4. Introducing our guest, Laura Schoenfeld, Paleo RD [12:53]
5. What exactly is adrenal fatigue [18:48]
6. How do we know when it’s really adrenal fatigue? [29:23]
7. Under eating and its consequences [35:25]
8. Quick overview of supplements [47:09]
9. Exercising while recovering from adrenal fatigue [51:47]
10. How can HPA axis dysregulation affect our hormones [1:01:24]