Balanced Bites: Talk on Food, Fitness, & Life with Liz Wolfe
Talking with Sarah of! 2:10 Routine for kids: planning around what’s natural for them. 6:36 All about, Sarah’s book on Autoimmune Paleo & The Paleo View podcast #1
1. [16:15] Can/should an Autoimmune protocol be used as a preventative?
2. [29:40] Is my child at high risk based on family history? What to do?
3. [36:30] Safe to follow an AI protocol while Pregnant? How does an autoimmune condition change during/after pregnancy and during breastfeeding?
4. [41:40] Teen with Scoliosis, will an AI Protocol help?
5. [50:50] Have SIBO,SCD and Autoimmune, still scared to go starch free, help!
6. [1:03:30] Help with painful Lichen Sclerosus
7. [1:07:45] NSAIDS and the AI protocol