Ballad of the Seven Dice – A Pathfinder & Call of Cthulhu Podcast
Welcome to Ballad of the Seven Dice. Just a heads up dear listeners, we discuss a recent review in the first twelve mins of the episode, and then the episode starts at 12:06. We here at Ballad feel these kind of things are important to discuss and even though this conversations can be uncomfortable, we should have them to help educate others and empathize with our fellow human beings who are suffering. Today's episode feature's M'zi once more in the city of Tul'nareth where he now talks to the Hive and tries to figure out what is really going on.
Ballad Theme, Inn of the Seven Dice - Dave Cole
Graham Plowman - The Great Old Ones and Other Beings - 06 The Black Goat of the Woods
Hyperfun, Long Note Two - Kevin Macleod Link:
Moving Clouds, Sings in the Fields - Rafael Krux Link: