181 avsnitt • Längd: 25 min • Månadsvis
On a quest for the perfect RPG session and some decent coffee.
The podcast Bandit’s Keep is created by Daniel. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Unchaining the Paladin
Alpha of Unchained:
Unchained Heroes Beta: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Bandit's Keep Merch: https://bit.ly/banditsmerch
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Some of the above links are affiliates.
I got some great insights from my callers.
Talked about this episode:
Stranger Dungeons - https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3722453
Feats of Exploration - https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/454780/feats-of-exploration?affiliate_id=464523
King Arthur Pendragon: Edition 5.2 - https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/165085/King-Arthur-Pendragon-Edition-52?affiliate_id=464523
Join the Playtest!
Unchained Heroes Beta: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-105704973
Bandit's Keep Merch: https://bit.ly/banditsmerch
Calls from :
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Some of the above links are affiliates.
High-level advancement in Unchained
Alpha of Unchained:
Unchained Heroes Beta: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Bandit's Keep Merch: https://bit.ly/banditsmerch
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Some of the above links are affiliates.
What adventure can teach the "classic" play style?
Unchained Heroes Beta: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Bandit's Keep Merch: https://bit.ly/banditsmerch
Calls from :
Dekahedron RPG Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/48PrG9H7mDbdzdxtET1sI6
Matt Finch Old School Primer: https://archive.org/details/a-quick-primer-for-old-school-gaming/A%20Quick%20Primer%20for%20Old%20School%20Gaming/page/6/mode/2up
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Some of the above links are affiliates.
Revamping the troll to be truly monsterous
Unchained Heroes Beta: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Bandit's Keep Merch: https://bit.ly/banditsmerch
Calls from :
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Some of the above links are affiliate.
Secret spells
Unchained Heroes Beta: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Bandit's Keep Merch: https://bit.ly/banditsmerch
Confessions of a Wee Tim'rous Bushi: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/confessions-of-a-wee-timrous-bushi/id1498932887
Dire Den: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPv1ipXTGZw&list=PLcXi_vkZAksMTCZuNya0oAXsxznHio2I4
Goblin's Henchmen DTRPG Stuff: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/publisher/9524/goblin-039-s-henchman?affiliate_id=464523
For Reference - these are cheaper at Ollie's
Kenny G Keeping it Saxy: https://amzn.to/49NRlba
Dungeons & Dragons Dragonlance: Warriors of Krynn Cooperative Board Game: https://amzn.to/3IdwiTE
Calls from :
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Some links are affliate.
A new old mechanic
Unchained Heroes Beta: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Bandit's Keep Merch: https://bit.ly/banditsmerch
DOGS: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/274623/dogs?affiliate_id=464523
Internet Office Hours: Role Playing Games Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/internet-office-hours-role-playing-games/id1673079861?i=1000603982596
Calls from :
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
How do we make a ruling into a rule?
Unchained Heroes Beta: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Bandit's Keep Merch: https://bit.ly/banditsmerch
The Solo Dungeon Crawler Talks Medusa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CepGdz8xy_A
The Solo Dungeon Crawler Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tales-of-mystara-a-solo-d-d-campaign/id1549020475
Minions and Musings Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/minions-and-musings/id1465786979
The GM Apprentice Deck: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/125685/the-gamemaster-s-apprentice-base-deck?affiliate_id=464523
DOGS: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/274623/dogs?affiliate_id=464523
KNOCK! Issue 4: https://www.themerrymushmen.com/product/knock-4-tmm/
Internet Office Hours: Role Playing Games Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/internet-office-hours-role-playing-games/id1673079861?i=1000603982596
Calls from :
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Todd of Hexed Press joins me to discuss skill mechanics for Unchained Heroes.
You can find Todd here:
Unchained Heroes Beta: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Bandit's Keep Merch: https://bit.ly/banditsmerch
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
A bunch of great calls
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Bandit's Keep Merch: https://bit.ly/banditsmerch
Mentioned in the show:
5e hardcore Mode: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/303156/5e-HARDCORE-MODE?affiliate_id=464523
Omega 3D Chicken Coop (Jason gives his answer): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-omega-3d-chicken-coop/id1435540560?i=1000624600932
Calls from :
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
A great call from Jason about RAW and my thoughts on a year of Dungeon 23
I say Module B3, but I mean B4 the Lost City (link below)
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Bandit's Keep Merch: https://bit.ly/banditsmerch
Mentioned in the show:
Clerics Wear RIngmail - Tricks & Traps on 3d8: https://clericswearringmail.blogspot.com/2023/06/tricks-traps-on-3d8.html
Gabor Lux: https://emdt.bigcartel.com/
Module B4 - The Lost City: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/17084/B4-The-Lost-City-Basic?affiliate_id=464523
Calls from :
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
A bit about Unchained and some Calls
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Bandit's Keep Merch: https://bit.ly/banditsmerch
Mentioned in the show:
B.J. from The Arcane Alienist: https://open.spotify.com/show/5vaztEEwKq1Npjg47MtX6A
5e hardcore Mode: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/303156/5e-HARDCORE-MODE?affiliate_id=464523
ICRPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/366519/Index-Card-RPG-Master-Edition?affiliate_id=464523
Calls from :
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
How we play thr game
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Bandit's Keep Merch: https://bit.ly/banditsmerch
Mentioned in the show:
Spikepit (specifically the episode from 12/09/23): https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/spikepit
Calls from :
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
How we play thr game
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Mentioned in the show:
Chaos Reigns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTaDUIF0Ilc
Dekahedron RPG Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/00iL9549eBZ5cfZT9eghqp?si=1c0817a41c1f463b
Calls from :
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Some more tweaks to Unchained
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Calls from :
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
My Adventures running Unchained at CleriCon
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Mentioned in this Podcast:
The Dungeon Minister YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/thedungeonminister
Mage's Musings YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Merlinstergandaldore
HexedPress YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HexedPress
Tale of the Manticore Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3qMetssWCiqQt8oI1WR2Sr
Some Creators Celebrating OSR October (if you know of others please let me know)
Confessions of a Wee Tim'rous Bushi: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/confessions-of-a-wee-timrous-bushi/id1498932887
Down in a Heap: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/down-in-a-heap/id1446315881
Nerd’s RPG Variety Cast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nerds-rpg-variety-cast/id1494636468
The Dungeon Master's Handbook Podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dungeon-masters-handbook-podcast/id1321200323
Phantom Thoughts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/phantom-thoughts/id1634924392
Keep off the Borderlands: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/keep-off-the-borderlands/id1466517108
Slackarius Blog:
Calls from :
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Wrap up of OSR October
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Some Creators Celebrating OSR October (if you know of others please let me know)
Confessions of a Wee Tim'rous Bushi: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/confessions-of-a-wee-timrous-bushi/id1498932887
Down in a Heap: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/down-in-a-heap/id1446315881
Nerd’s RPG Variety Cast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nerds-rpg-variety-cast/id1494636468
The Dungeon Master's Handbook Podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dungeon-masters-handbook-podcast/id1321200323
Phantom Thoughts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/phantom-thoughts/id1634924392
Keep off the Borderlands: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/keep-off-the-borderlands/id1466517108
Calls from :
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Looking at the Strategic Review
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Some Creators Celebrating OSR October (if you know of others please let me know)
Confessions of a Wee Tim'rous Bushi: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/confessions-of-a-wee-timrous-bushi/id1498932887
Down in a Heap: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/down-in-a-heap/id1446315881
Nerd’s RPG Variety Cast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nerds-rpg-variety-cast/id1494636468
The Dungeon Master's Handbook Podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dungeon-masters-handbook-podcast/id1321200323
Phantom Thoughts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/phantom-thoughts/id1634924392
Keep off the Borderlands: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/keep-off-the-borderlands/id1466517108
Calls from :
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Looking at the Strategic Review
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Some Creators Celebrating OSR October (if you know of others please let me know)
Confessions of a Wee Tim'rous Bushi: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/confessions-of-a-wee-timrous-bushi/id1498932887
Down in a Heap: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/down-in-a-heap/id1446315881
Nerd’s RPG Variety Cast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nerds-rpg-variety-cast/id1494636468
The Dungeon Master's Handbook Podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dungeon-masters-handbook-podcast/id1321200323
Phantom Thoughts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/phantom-thoughts/id1634924392
Keep off the Borderlands: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/keep-off-the-borderlands/id1466517108
Calls from :
Mentioned :
Phantom Thoughts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/phantom-thoughts/id1634924392
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Looking at the Strategic Review
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Some Creators Celebrating OSR October (if you know of others please let me know)
Confessions of a Wee Tim'rous Bushi: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/confessions-of-a-wee-timrous-bushi/id1498932887
Down in a Heap: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/down-in-a-heap/id1446315881
Nerd’s RPG Variety Cast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nerds-rpg-variety-cast/id1494636468
The Dungeon Master's Handbook Podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dungeon-masters-handbook-podcast/id1321200323
Phantom Thoughts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/phantom-thoughts/id1634924392
Keep off the Borderlands: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/keep-off-the-borderlands/id1466517108
Calls from :
Mentioned :
Minions and Musings (Evil Jeff): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/minions-and-musings/id1465786979
More stuff to check out
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Show notes added - Talking abut the Roper from 1975s Strategic review
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Some Creators Celebrating OSR October (if you know of others please let me know)
Confessions of a Wee Tim'rous Bushi: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/confessions-of-a-wee-timrous-bushi/id1498932887
Down in a Heap: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/down-in-a-heap/id1446315881
Nerd’s RPG Variety Cast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nerds-rpg-variety-cast/id1494636468
The Dungeon Master's Handbook Podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dungeon-masters-handbook-podcast/id1321200323
Phantom Thoughts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/phantom-thoughts/id1634924392
More stuff to check out:
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Looking at the Strategic Review
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Some Creators Celebrating OSR October (if you know of others please let me know)
Confessions of a Wee Tim'rous Bushi: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/confessions-of-a-wee-timrous-bushi/id1498932887
Down in a Heap: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/down-in-a-heap/id1446315881
Nerd’s RPG Variety Cast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nerds-rpg-variety-cast/id1494636468
The Dungeon Master's Handbook Podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dungeon-masters-handbook-podcast/id1321200323
Phantom Thoughts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/phantom-thoughts/id1634924392
More stuff to check out:
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
The Alpha release is ready!
Also talking about my plans for OSR October
Alpha of Unchained: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-alpha-90153791
Tractics: https://www.combatrules.com/tracticsrules
More stuff to check out:
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Talking about a few edge case monsters
Beta of Unchained Heroes : https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Talking about a few edge cases and multiple attacks with daggers - also some great feedback.
Todd from Hexed Press: https://www.youtube.com/@HexedPress
Beta of Unchained Heroes : https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Converting OD&D Classes and Races to Unchained
Todd from Hexed Press: https://www.youtube.com/@HexedPress
Beta of Unchained Heroes : https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Converting OD&D spells to Chainmail
Beta of Unchained Heroes : https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Monsters of Myth and Legend and also Orcs
The Whispering GM Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/5X4PMVviz10HO3OCdTdTEt
Beta of Unchained Heroes : https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
The game is coming together in its final form
Purple Druid: https://www.youtube.com/@atStephen
Clerics Wear Ringmail: https://clericswearringmail.blogspot.com/
Tunnels & Trolls 1e: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/130768/Tunnels--Trolls-1st-Edition-reprint?affiliate_id=464523
Beta of Unchained Heroes : https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Talking about my GenCon games a bit and answering some awesome phone calls.
Joe of Hindsightless: https://open.spotify.com/show/3LMcaHlfCDZrjUGEYEZbYx
Minions and Musings: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/minions-and-musings/id1465786979
Random Screed (Hobbes): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/random-screed/id1328949901
Matt Jackson Blog: http://www.msjx.org/2023/08/white-box-heroes-wilona.html?m=1
Matt Jackson Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@mattjackson
Nations & Cannons: https://www.nationsandcannons.com/
Live From Pellam's Wasteland: https://www.youtube.com/@LivefromPellamsWasteland
Beta of Unchained Heroes : https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
The Dungeon board game has an intersting combat system.
OD&D resources
Grey Elf: http://www.grey-elf.com
Delta's Book of War: https://www.lulu.com/shop/daniel-collins/original-edition-delta-book-of-war/paperback/product-1pkzmezm.html?page=1&pageSize=4
Beta of Unchained Heroes : https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
This interpret ion changes the Fighter for the better, or does it?
Article about Warlock: https://zenopusarchives.blogspot.com/2012/02/warlock-or-how-to-play-d-without.html?m=1
Holmes and Basic: https://zenopusarchives.blogspot.com/2013/11/at-long-last.html?m=1
Beta of Unchained Heroes : https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
One way to interpret Vancian magic in OD&D - Also, perhaps a new way to place traps
Beta of Unchained Heroes : https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
Missile fire in OD&D with Chainmail, and some calls!
Mentioned by Michael:
D&D Homebrew: https://www.youtube.com/c/DDHomebrew
The Pink Phantom of Phantom Thoughts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/phantom-thoughts/id1634924392
Beta of Unchained Heroes : https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Channel: http://www.banditskeep.com
One to One time and Changing Treasure Types
D&D Homebrew: https://www.youtube.com/c/DDHomebrew
Beta of Unchained Heroes : https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Is power building something new?
Beta of Unchained Heroes : https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Read through of my New system and some calls
Beta of Unchained Heroes : https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
How do OD&D characters get new spells?
Beta of Unchained Heroes : https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-heroes-84405646
Delta's Book of War: https://www.lulu.com/search?contributor=Daniel+Collins&page=1&pageSize=10&adult_audience_rating=00
Goblin's Henchman Blog: https://goblinshenchman.wordpress.com/
The Joy of War Gaming Chainmail: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_z29m150g5rRQKBDKt3-Vha5B6LFSXIx
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Working on using Detailed (Man to Man) combat vs natural weapons
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
A breakdown of combat types and when to use them.
Delta's D&D Hotspot - Can Superheroes see invisible? http://deltasdnd.blogspot.com/2023/05/can-superheroes-see-invisible.html
An example of play that covers all the forms of combat: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/lJc0QDa27zb
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Mid-level OD&D and the same old story emerges...
My video about Hex Crawling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0fF88XsILw
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Some Changes to my game "Unchained"
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
What role would a Monk fill in my OD&D game?
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Mid-level OD&D and the same old story emerges...
My video about Man to Man: https://youtu.be/H11hRAob_SE
Taylor's d20 Man to Man Conversion: https://clericswearringmail.blogspot.com/2023/04/alternative-alternative-combat-2d6-on.html
Stuff Jason Mentions:
CASTLE OLDSKULL - Oldskull Dungeon Generator https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/219905/CASTLE-OLDSKULL--Oldskull-Dungeon-Generator?affiliate_id=464523
CASTLE OLDSKULL - The Book of Dungeon Traps: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/203227/CASTLE-OLDSKULL--The-Book-of-Dungeon-Traps?affiliate_id=464523
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Discussing my process for #dungeon23 and how I've been able to keep it fun and simple
Episode 32 of the Dungeon Masters Handbook: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedungeonmastershandbook/episodes/Episode-32---Interview-With-My-1x1-ODD-Player---My-Wife-ebvvpm/a-a1pffvl
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Some calls and I talk about dungeon exploration with a single PC
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Can the D&D movie inspire our OSR (or old school) games?
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
9 Games in 5 days Really
Stuff I talk about
Walking Dead All Out War (on eBay) : https://ebay.us/jlzOa4
Buck Rogers Battle for the 25th Century (TSR): https://ebay.us/lngCYz
G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T QuickStart Rules: http://www.bucksurdu.com/Personal/documents/GASLIGHTQuickStart.pdf
Masters of the Universe Battleground: https://motubattleground.com/
The Doom That Came To Sarnath: https://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/ds.aspx
Fletcher Hanks Book (Out of Print Sadly): https://amzn.to/3zozGXt
Leopard Women of Venus: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/345673/Leopard-Women-of-Venus-DCC?affiliate_id=464523
Phantasmagoria: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/262557/Phantasmagoria-01?affiliate_id=464523
Actual Play "Do Space Dragon's Breathe Fire" : https://www.youtube.com/live/wpFE31ldR4A?feature=share
More stuff to check out:
Talking a bit about running a high level game of OD&D
If you plan to attend GaryCon this year, come play on one of my games: https://bit.ly/garycon23
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
Talking a bit about running a high level game of OD&D
Ray Otus on Creativity: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/plundergrounds/episodes/362-Managing-Creativity-e200kfk
Re: Rob's call, I did a video on introducing new people to the OSR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F59-lgSJwks
If you plan to attend GaryCon this year, come play on one of my games: https://bit.ly/garycon23
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
This week I talk about awarding XP in OD&D
Check out Matthew's Blog here: https://rendedpress.blogspot.com
Episode I talk abut his awesome die drop table: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/jgPXpUqELxb
If you plan to attend GaryCon this year, come play on one of my games: https://bit.ly/garycon23
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
This week I talk about monsters and their individual quirks in OD&D with Chainmail
Halberts and Helmets: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monsters-giant-apes/id1448625947?i=1000477471571
If you plan to attend GaryCon this year, come play on one of my games: https://bit.ly/garycon23
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
This week I talk about learning (abstract) unarmed combat in OD&D with Chainmail
Halberts and Helmets: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monsters-giant-apes/id1448625947?i=1000477471571
If you plan to attend GaryCon this year, come play on one of my games: https://bit.ly/garycon23
Calls from :
More stuff to check out:
This week I have a special guest, Jason of The Nerd's RPG Variety Cast: https://anchor.fm/jason376 - we talk Boot Hill and House Rules.
If you plan to attend GaryCon this year, come play on one of my games: https://bit.ly/garycon23
Stuff Jason Recommends :
More stuff to check out:
This week I talk about the AD&D 1e Players Handbook
Check out HexedPress on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AM4LDgvzV8
If you plan to attend GaryCon this year, come play on one of my games: https://bit.ly/garycon23
Calls from:
More stuff to check out:
This week I talk about using GeoMorphs as "the underground" in Original Dungeons & Dragons.
Check out The Dungeon Master's Handbook by ChicagoWiz: https://anchor.fm/thedungeonmastershandbook
If you plan to attend GaryCon this year, come play on one of my games: https://bit.ly/garycon23
Calls from:
More stuff to check out:
This week I talk about growing the game with your players, accessibility, and the narrative nature or high level play in Original Dungeons & Dragons.
Listen to they Episode of Hindsightless on accessibility: https://anchor.fm/joe-richter9/episodes/414-Columns-and-Rows-e1t9pd3
If you plan to attend GaryCon this year, come play on one of my games: https://bit.ly/garycon23
Calls from:
More stuff to check out:
From theatre of the mind to miniatures, I discuss playing OD&D in person.
Calls from:
Stuff I talked about:
In which I talk about Dragon's Breath, Heroic types and receive a call.
Calls from:
Stuff I talked about:
In which I talk about "Vancian" Magic and take some calls
Calls from:
Stuff I talked about:
In which I talk about the language we use when creating games
Calls from:
In which I talk about the language we use when creating games
Calls from:
In which I talk about the language we use when creating games
Calls from:
In which I talk about Critical Hits in my OD&D with Chainmail Game
Lords of Mars by Ray Otis: https://rayotus.itch.io/lords-of-mars
Calls from:
Download the latest playtest here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unchained-74862480?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator
Calls from: Jason - The Nerd's RPG Variety Cast: https://anchor.fm/jason376
In which I talk about Psionics and how we might handle various forms if magic in our Old-School RPGSs
Lords of Mars by Ray Otis: https://rayotus.itch.io/lords-of-mars
Calls from:
Pick it up here: https://tavern.grey-elf.com/hyborian-age.pdf
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Looks like the PDF is pay what you want: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/251318/OWB001-WWII-Operation-WhiteBox-FREE?affiliate_id=464523
Sara Graphic Novel: https://amzn.to/3DKrS5l
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Pick it up here:https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/171363/Warriors-of-the-Red-Planet?affiliate_id=464523
Calls From
The Blog Post Jason References: http://bxblackrazor.blogspot.com/2021/09/classic-priming.html?m=1
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Pick it up here: https://www.hyperborea.tv
Calls From
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Pick it up here: http://chaudronchromatique.blogspot.com/2019/03/pdf-versions-of-my-zines.html
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Find the Hateful place here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/304506/The-Hateful-Place-Core-Rules?affiliate_id=464523
Hateful Options (My supplement): https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/360088/Hateful-Options?affiliate_id=464523
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Find Yoon- Suin Here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/144820/YoonSuin?affiliate_id=464523
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Listen/ Follow Here: http://blogsontape.paperspencils.com/
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Pick it up here: https://www.grey-elf.com/philotomy.pdf
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Pick it up here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/251372/FX1-Fifty-Fiends?affiliate_id=464523
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Pick up the die drop table here: https://vlark.itch.io/ddgeddt
Check out Matthew's Blog here: https://rendedpress.blogspot.com
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Pick it up here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/205356/Barbarians--Basilisks?affiliate_id=464523
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Pick it up here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/99063/An-Echo-Resounding-A-Sourcebook-for-Lordship-and-War?term=an+echo+resounding?affiliate_id=464523
Mentioned by Kevin:
The Book of Imaginary Beings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Imaginary_Beings
buy it on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3MMxEWZ
Grimfrost Vaesen: https://grimfrost.com/products/vaesen
Calls from:
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Pick up the Zines here: https://athousandthousandislands.com
Calls from:
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
The Colossal Wastes of Zhaar: https://save.vs.totalpartykill.ca/grab-bag/wastes/
Calls from:
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Ford's Faeries at DTRPG Link: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/258394/Fords-Faeries-A-Bestiary-Inspired-by-Henry-Justice-Ford?affiliate_id=464523
BX Blackrazor Products on DTRPG:
The BX Companion: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/103412/B-X-Companion?affiliate_id=464523
The Complete BX Adventurer: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/133784/The-Complete-B-X-Adventurer?affiliate_id=464523
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
The Blog:
Zombies and Cowboys: http://bxblackrazor.blogspot.com/search/label/boot%20hill
Beowulf: http://bxblackrazor.blogspot.com/2009/06/bx-beowulf-single-well-double-encounter.html
BX Blackrazor Products on DTRPG:
The BX Companion: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/103412/B-X-Companion?affiliate_id=464523
The Complete BX Adventurer: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/133784/The-Complete-B-X-Adventurer?affiliate_id=464523
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Pick it up in PDF:
Wonder & Wickedness: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/145647/Wonder--Wickedness?affiliate_id=464523
Marvels & Malisons: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/211911/Marvels--Malisons?affiliate_id=464523
Lost Pages: https://www.lostpages.co.uk
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
The Dungeon Minister YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDungeonMinister
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Tribes: https://amzn.to/3RSMXON
Monstrosities on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3g4gDv2
Minions and Musings Beyond Appendix N: https://anchor.fm/eviljeff/episodes/It-is-time-to-move-beyond-Appendix-N-es9mep/a-a27cbtp
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Pick it up in PDF/print book:https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/246471/Black-Pudding-Heavy-Helping-Vol-One?affiliate_id=464523
J.V. West's Blog: http://doomslakers.blogspot.com
GOZR Text file: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5fb8dea7e3c03570324fa66f/t/6340d9fa8ae7f224bda9e7be/1665194490962/GOZR-Text.pdf
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Taking a 600 page Adventure Path and OSRizing it: http://udan-adan.blogspot.com/2016/03/condensation-in-action-from-600-page-ap.html
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Petty gods on LULU: https://www.lulu.com/shop/richard-leblanc/petty-gods-revised-expanded-edition-casewrap-hardback/hardcover/product-5mwk8n.html?page=1&pageSize=4
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Here is the Blog Post: https://goblinpunch.blogspot.com/2015/01/d100-minor-magical-items.html
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
With all my love to the creators, why do we continue to make retro clones (and I do mean WE :) )
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
A great fantasy author that just drips with OSR goodness
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
My hack to make fighters how they should be
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Check out Knock in PDF
Issue #1: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/345695/Knock--Issue-1?affiliate_id=464523
Issue #2: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/370832/Knock--Issue-2?affiliate_id=464523
Issue #3: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/401106/Knock--Issue-3?affiliate_id=464523
In Print: https://www.themerrymushmen.com
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Looks like WOTC no longer offers the Orange Version for Free :(
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Check out these other great Podcasts that are contributing
Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/pDyA2jYvSx
A little public service announcement and a whole bunch of calls!
Speaking of which, you can leave me a message here:
Or send me an email with attached audio file here:
Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/ZTu4uCun
Calls from:
Jason: Nerd's RPG Variety Cast
Kevin: Red Caps Podcast
Taylor: Clerics Wear Ringmail
Anthony: Casting Shadows
Direct Sun
I answer the 2nd half of the RPG A Day questions and let you know what I would do for next year
I put together an Episode in February and never released it. Here is that episode plus a little more...
Minions and Musings: https://anchor.fm/eviljeff
Returning from a long hiatus, this (bonus) episode is my recap and thoughts about GaryCon 2022.
MY First Video Podcast! So I've decided this is Season 2!
I talk a bit about watching Lord of the Rings and how Chainmail actually does a darn good job at emulating the fiction (of the battles).
Some calls and a recap of some games I ran, and one I played in.
As always please leave a message and tell me what you think.
A quick call in from Jason over at Nerd's RPG Variety cast, I "reinterpret" the 1st level Magic-User Spells for Thews & Thaumaturgy and give a summary of my first Play Test of "Unchained" the Sword and Sorcery RPG.
Adventure creation fro Mork Borg: https://dngngen.makedatanotlore.dev
I talk about how advancement mechanics can affect play style and how I'm handling this is Thews & Thaumaturgy as well as an unboxing, and some calls!
Big Nerd Coffee: https://bells-country-coffee.square.site
My eyes have been opened to the smart and wise fighter, also we take calls and talk LPs, Chocolate and initiative.
Redcaps Podcast makes an OD&D Fighter: https://anchor.fm/theredcaps/episodes/Episode-59---ODD-Fighter-and-Voicemails-e19jfrn/a-a6qc2kp
Nerds RPG Variety Cast Talks OD&D : https://anchor.fm/jason376/episodes/275-Cthulhu-on-Arrakis-or-how-fast-can-you-punch-e19dlml/a-a6pv560
Here I discuss my (almost) final thoughts on working out the Chainmail combat with OD&D system. After that we have call-ins from Jason from Nerd's RPG Variety Podcast https://anchor.fm/jason376 and Taylor from Clerics Wear Ringmail https://clericswearringmail.blogspot.com
You can access the beta copy of my OD&D with Chainmail Supplement here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gXRGSXufk_uQaTjcskVJn4JfvecQlklh?usp=sharing
Here is a read through of my home-brew rules for unarmed combat based on the Strategic Review. If you'd like to read along, the document is available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/183Idt_DBPE3WaSAOdCsM402DT9y3IjB2/view?usp=sharing
Rob from Down in a Heap ( https://anchor.fm/rob-c ) really got me thinking about unarmed combat and my strange love for the admittedly clunky AD&D rules.
My almost final thoughts on OD&D and Chainmail followed by some calls that have been hanging out deep in Bandit's Keep.
Thanks to the callers
Andy https://anchor.fm/andy-goodman8
Taylor Beeson https://clericswearringmail.blogspot.com
Spencer https://anchor.fm/free-thrall
Jason https://anchor.fm/jason376
Colin https://anchor.fm/spikepit
Rob https://anchor.fm/rob-c
Inspired by Andy at Expedition to the Grizzly Peaks I decided to go off topic and discuss being a player
My decision on to keep or remove saving throws as well as some thoughts on a method for Dmg to run traps/locked doors etc
Discussing saving throws in OD&D and specifically how they will work .. or how they might work in my "hack"
Thanks Jason ( https://anchor.fm/jason376 ) and Taylor for calling in.
You can find me on Twitter https://twitter.com/banditskeep
and Youtube https://www.youtube.com/banditskeep
Thanks for listening, let me know what you think of saving throws.
This episode I talk a bit about the little "details" that I've been filling in to make the system function fully.
Here I run my player, Nicky, through a simple combat heavy adventure in an attempt to showcase each of the 3 combat systems as they might work out in an actual game session.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.