Should pastors be allowed to plagiarize in their sermons?
I’ll be frank: I think evangelicalism has a problem with celebrity, as we talked about on last week’s podcast. And I think plagiarism is part of that celebrity. It’s rampant among pastors and authors in evangelicalism, and it allows people to give a false sense of themselves to others to boost their status. It needs to stop.
Links to things mentioned:
Scot McKnight's book A Church Called TOV
Scot McKnight's New Testament Everyday Bible Study Series
Scot McKnight's previous podcast with us
Warren Throckmorton on Mark Driscoll's apparent plagiarism
David Dzimianski on Tim Keller's apparent plagiarism
Aaron New on Tim Clinton's history of Plagiarism
Christine Caine's plagiarism
Josh Howerton's Twitter Threads
Original Twitter Thread (long) about how plagiarism by pastors is fine
More recent Tweet about ethics of using someone's material without naming them if you disagree with them
Articles on Controversy with Josh Howerton and Andy Wood
Article Explaining Andy Wood controversy with Mark Driscoll
Andy Stanley's book The New Rules of Love, Sex and Dating
YouTube sermon where Andy Stanley goes over the central points of this book, which Josh Howerton seems to have used
(start at around 22:00)
Steven Furtick sermon with "two halves don't make a whole"
(start around 6:30)
Josh Howerton sermon where he says arguing with him is like arguing with God
(start around 12:20)
Note: The sermon we're referring to I originally saw because it was listed on this page. That sermon has since been removed. It is the only sermon from 2022 that can no longer be found on the Lakepointe Church site, on YouTube, and on their podcast archives. It was there a few weeks ago; it's now
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