We try to show how men and women may approach sex information differently.
And how there’s a serious creepy factor for many women that we all need to understand a little bit better!
Thanks to our sponsor Femallay! Check out their vaginal melts, and my post on how your vagina changes as you age
The Great Sex Rescue–Chapters 5 and 6 cover the lust issue and porn issue, and try to do so in a non-shaming way, focused on actual research
Our Sexy Dares
The Intimately Us App
Our Orgasm Course
Keith’s post on sexually confident men
Our podcast with Marc Alan Schelske about emotional maturity
Andrew Bauman’s post about the pornographic style of relating
Today's Blog Post
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And her FACEBOOK PAGE has been HACKED--so please join the new official one!
Check out her books:
And she has an Orgasm Course and a Libido course too!
Check out all her courses, FREE resources, books, and so much more at Sheila's LinkTree.