With so many bartenders making a sizable portion of their income in the form of cash, keeping track of it and spending it responsibly can be a bit trickier than other fields. This is compounded by the fact that many of our job opportunities don't offer full-time benefits or a 401k. Due to this precarious situation, which was only made worse by the pandemic, many of us are not in the healthiest long-term financial situation. To help shed a little light on things, this week we are joined by writer and bartender finance advocate, Rocco Pendola. Diageo Bar Academy: https://bit.ly/319a5AA _______________________________ Join us every Monday as acclaimed bartender, Erick Castro, interviews some of the bar industry's top talents from around the world, including bartenders, distillers & authors. If you love cocktails & spirits then this award-winning podcast is just for you.
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