Have you ever wanted to launch your own liqueur? Or wondered what it would take to grow your favorite housemade ingredient into a brand available around the world? Then tune in this week & see how the founders of L'Orgeat almond liqueur managed to do just that after years of making orgeat in their kitchen. LEARN MORE: L'Orgeat https://www.lorgeat.com ============================== Join us every Monday as star bartender, Erick Castro, hangs out with some of the top bartenders from around the world while drinking a little bit of whiskey. The truth about bartending comes to the surface, since nothing is off limits and topics range on everything from sleeping with customers to the first time you got drunk. FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: Erick Castro:
www.instagram.com/HungryBartender Bartender at Large:
www.instagram.com/BartenderAtLarge FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: Erick Castro:
www.twitter.com/HungryBartender Bartender at Large: