Bashar/Elan, channeled by Andrew: Training Sessions to Channel Elan, the Blended Sessions, Elan Solo
In this 44th transmission, Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew, expands on the subject of Unconditional Love. This session was conducted at a "Psychic Cruise Event", on a day cruise in the Long Island Sound. We have included the entire session, including the "sharings", after the main theme. This is the first full session that's been posted.Bashar/Elan discusses that Unconditional Love is part of the primary frequency of the Universe. The main nuance of unconditional love is that it is inherent and not granted. Nothing has to be done to receive that love, and there are no conditions under which it can be lost. Because we are expressions of creation, we too contain the ability to love unconditionally, both ourselves and others. Because we didn't have to "do" anything, or fulfill any conditions in order to be granted existence, All-That-Is obviously believes we deserve to exist. We're invited to treat ourselves with the same respect and match that vibration or frequency in our consciousness and in our lives. Although many have been taught that they are not deserving or worthy to create a joyful life according to preference, we inherently contain the "ability" to deserve, this is our opportunity to reclaim and express our own deservability.
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