Bashar/Elan, channeled by Andrew: Training Sessions to Channel Elan, the Blended Sessions, Elan Solo
Personally visit the Mothership in this unique consciousness-driven excursion. In this exciting 55th transmission, Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew takes you on an amazing journey. First, you will be reminded that you are already home, no matter where you are. After this useful reminder, you will be going on a special Field Trip to the mothercraft. This recording contains the Introduction, Field Trip, and includes sharings from the other participants so you can compare your experiences. We are always reminded that all of these communications are holographic, and therefore even though the original field trip took place at a different time, you will be there if you participate, happy trails! Please do share your own experiences on the mother craft in the comments.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at: