Our guest Dr. Doron Myersdorf is one of the founders of StoreDot, an Israeli developer of lithium-ion batteries. When researching StoreDot as a company, one cannot get past the profound history of breakthrough announcements claiming to have developed disruptive battery materials. These battery materials were supposedly able of being rechargeable within a few minutes by 2020, latest. Plus, performance, capacity, lifespan, safety, sustainability and prices pointed out great research results. Unfortunately, the company's plans were thwarted time and time again.
In 2019, StoreDot started developing silicon-based batteries. The company has publically tested that material in April 2022: A corporate video shows a standard pouch cell's capability of charging 100 miles in 5 minutes, and 200 miles in 10 minutes. In this podcast we talk about this innovation and display StoreDot's vision to co-invent green battery materials with its partners and investors.
StoreDot was in negotiations in March 2021 for a SPAC merger at a $3.5 billion valuation. A further funding round of 70 million dollars in 2022 gave the company a $1.5 billion valuation.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoCSw6LODCM https://www.hiu-batteries.de/en/ https://www.celest.de/en/