Be Here Now Network Guest Podcast
Offering listeners insights, stories, and guided imagery, Gil Fronsdal describes the idea of the self as an anchor.
This recording from the Insight Meditation Center was originally published on
This week on the BHNN Guest Podcast, Gil teaches us about:
“The purpose of this deep meditation is to help us to become free, help us to lift up the anchors so we’re not held back, not limited, so we don’t set ourselves up to be washed over by the floods that come.” – Gil Fronsdal
In a world that often feels like it's teetering on the edge, it's not surprising that so many of us grapple with feelings of instability and overwhelm.
On Tuesday, December 19th, join acclaimed Buddhist meditation teachers Sharon Salzberg and Ethan Nichtern for a free online conversation on staying grounded, available, and engaged, even when the world is on fire.
Sharon and Ethan will also discuss the upcoming Dharma Moon Yearlong Buddhist Studies program and offer their insights on how studying Buddhism can help us show up more fully for ourselves and others during these challenging times.
Visit for more info and to reserve your free spot!
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