Announcements: -On Feb 19, 2023, Dr. Lisle & Howk are doing a Live Seminar called the True to Life Series.
Registration link: -Episodes 294 & 295 will be released in the coming weeks.
In today's show the dr's discuss:
- Do people feel disgust for themselves when they are a minority in the village? Like you’ve said, disgust evolved not just out of a sense of right and wrong, but also out of infection and threat. So, my question is, do (racial, sexual, etc) minorities suffer because their internal audience will be in tune with the majority community's sense of disgust and/or threat around them? How important is it to have people who look, think, love, and are like you for your self esteem?
- What is the psychology behind interrupting people in conversation? I’ve read that we’re “wired to tie up loose ends” meaning that it feels good to tie up a thought that may get forgotten about or change as the conversation carries on. Also, do you think most people really listen to what we are saying or are they just waiting for their turn to speak?
- Can neuroplasticity be used to change personality ? or is it that the DNA remains the same thus the way new neurons or connections form is also predetermined ?
Copyright Beat Your Genes Podcast
Host: Nathan Gershfeld
Interviewee: Doug Lisle, Ph.D. and Jen Howk, Ph.D.
Podcast website:
True to Life seminars with Dr. Lisle and Dr. Howk :
Intro & outro song: City of Happy Ones · Ferenc Hegedus