Become a fearless father presents: The recording of the interview with Owen Hemsath, founder of The Video Spot and father of 4 kids.
0:43 - Fatherhood
7:07 - Who is Owen Hemsath?
11:03 - Tip #1 to remain calm no matter what happens
19:48 - How to have high energy at the right moments
29:55 - Have a vision in your life
40:00 - Morning Routine
51:40 - Have the right values for your kids
1:01:45 - How to get in touch with Owen
Links discussed by Owen Hemsath:
In this live interview Klaas van Oosterhout had with Owen Hemsath, we talked about the importance and benefits of having a vision for your children. Owen also shared his morning routine and the importance of having one.
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