You’re right where God wants you to be when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you, there is more of God.
– Jesus of Nazareth, to his closest friends
Your reliance on your talent and gifting must die before they can ever be truly free.
It is impossible for a man to fully know the love of God until he has experienced the love of God apart from his gifting, his performance, and his successes. To fully rest in love, we must experience the relentless affection of God—not only when we are running strong, but also when we have reached the end of our rope.
The cross and resurrection of Jesus is a brutal and beautiful comment on the shape of reality. The cross reveals to us that our masculine initiation lies not on the path that avoids death and suffering, but on the path that enters suffering and death in order to be transformed.
Passing through death is nonnegotiable. There is a way of being in us that must be put to death so that the indestructible life of Christ might be born in us and experienced by those entrusted to our care through us.
We will have life and have it to the full only if and when we are willing to die.
Come along into Part 7 of the 2019 BGS Intensive. Dive into the story of The Company Men, the modern-day parable inviting us to put self-sufficiency to death. I encourage you to view the
trailer and the movie before listening to this podcast.
For the Kingdom,