Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am.
– Parker J. Palmer, Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation
Our stories do not define us; the Author of them does.
It’s a profound truth and reality that takes many tears, much blood, and many years to fully participate in.
Tommy Colwell is one of the men heroically participating in this reality. Through the ups and downs, the triumphs and tragedies, the breakthroughs and dead ends, he has discovered, looking back, that throughout his story he has been led.
Deeply. Strongly. Abundantly.
By a Father who is far more kind and loving than we dared to believe.
How does a man abandoned and abused in childhood, suffering a profound lack of attachment, become a conduit of the Father-heart of God to not only offer to a family what he never had, but also shepherd the hearts of over a thousand individual fallen pastors into restoration and repair?
Come along to witness and participate in a living miracle as we dive into Part 2 of this rich story of God fathering a boy, initiating a man, and raising up a seasoned sage.
For the Kingdom,