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Become Good Soil

130: Parts Work, Part 2

54 min • 14 mars 2023

“I have come to heal the broken hearted….I have come to set the captives free and release prisoners from darkness.”
– Isaiah 61

In the confusion of your life, have you ever found yourself having one of these internal conflicts?

I am overtired but under-rested.

I am overworked, yet I feel unproductive.

I am overweight but undernourished.

I am overstimulated yet under-engaged. 

I am working to make a meaningful contribution, yet I often feel under-celebrated.

What if these internal conflicts are invitations to deeper integration? What if the Restorer of Eden Justice and Peace is providing a way forward to wholeness within you as well?  

What if pursuing, accepting, and extending love is not only the answer to our external relationships but to our internal relationships as well?

And what if each of our internal fragmented parts has a redemptive and essential role in the person we are meant to become?

Part 1 of this series provides a vision for the integration of differentiated parts within the human soul. That’s where you’ll want to start if you haven’t yet had the chance. But there’s nothing like real-life examples to move us from theory toward practical application. So I took the risk of engaging with a few of my like-hearted allies. BGS Intensive alumni Grant, Isaac, and Tony give us an in-depth look at parts work in the intersection of our daily lives. 

It is my hope that this conversation will help flesh out the ideas of Part 1 so we can dive even deeper into parts work in the sessions to come. 

All the resources referenced in this Parts Work series (and more) can be found at

My prayer is that as you listen, you will invite God to shine his light on the unique parts where Love is pursuing even more healing and integration. You’re worth it. So let’s risk, together.

For the Kingdom,
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