It’s Mead Week in New York City, and Jimmy Carbone is celebrating the occasion on this week’s Beer Sessions Radio! Jimmy is joined in the studio by Michael Fairbrother and Berniece Van Der Berg of Moonlight Meadery. Tune in to hear Michael and Bernice talk about their love affair with mead, and how Michael changed his life to focus on Moonlight Meadery’s fruition. Raphael Lyon joins Jimmy to talk about Enlightenment Wines, and what constitutes a mead in the eyes of the government. Chris Cuzme of HRN’s Fuhmentaboudit! and 508 Gastrobrewery stops by to promote the newly-dubbed NYC Mead Week! Learn some mead-making history, and how mead in the past used to have psychotropic qualities. How has the modern food landscape prepared the way for mead? Learn more about bee populations, and how their decline affects local economies. Thanks to our sponsor,, and thanks to Four Lincolns for today’s music.
“It’s not about if it’s good necessarily, but whether or not it’s interesting.” [38:10]
— Raphael Lyon on Beer Sessions Radio
“We’ve taken an ancient beverage and refined it.” [11:00]
— Berniece Van Der Berg on Beer Sessions Radio