Before the Fellowship: Fans Read and React to the Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien Every Week
Fëanor opposes his half-brother Fingolfin, even threatening him with his sword. Because the peace of Aman is disrupted, Fëanor and others are forced to stand before Mandos. Melkor attempts to turn Fëanor against the Valar and find an opportunity to steal the Silmarils, but Fëanor is not fooled.
Three friends read and react to the greatest story you've never heard — the Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien.
00:41 Greg reads pages 67-79 from the Silmarillion, 2nd Edition
11:29 Recap
12:38 Discussion
"Now Fëanor's heart was still bitter at his humiliation before Mandos, and he looked at Melkor in silence, pondering if indeed he might yet trust him so far as to aid him in his flight. And Melkor, seeing that Fëanor wavered, and knowing that the Silmarils held his heart in thrall, said at the last: 'Here is a strong place, and well guarded; but think not that the Silmarils will lie safe in any treasury within the realm of the Valar!'"
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The Rings of Power comes to Amazon, but nothing compares to the real story JRR Tolkien wrote. Is the Silmarillion his masterpiece? The Silmarillion is a book everyone should read, but it can be intimidating. Go on a journey with us.
Witness the creation of Tolkien's universe, meet the villain that's bigger and badder than Sauron, and hear a love story that will leave you in tears. We are not experts, we're just fans like you. And we're having a blast going through this masterpiece of fiction, 15 minutes at a time. Grad a cup of tea or your favorite scotch (or your steering wheel!) and join us every week!