Before the Fellowship: Fans Read and React to the Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien Every Week
Elwë spots a Maia in the Forests of Lorien, and it's love at first sight — for years! They stay in Middle Earth to build a kingdom.
Three friends read and react to the greatest story you've never heard — the Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien.
00:34 Greg reads pages 55-56 from the Silmarillion, 2nd Edition
05:35 Discussion, AKA Dan tries to change his name to Iluvitar.
"Melian was a Maia, of the race of the Valar. She dwelt in the gardens of Lórien, and among all his people there were none more beautiful than Melian, nor more wise, nor more skilled in songs of enchantment."
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The Rings of Power comes to Amazon, but nothing compares to the real story JRR Tolkien wrote. Is the Silmarillion his masterpiece? The Silmarillion is a book everyone should read, but it can be intimidating. Go on a journey with us.
Witness the creation of Tolkien's universe, meet the villain that's bigger and badder than Sauron, and hear a love story that will leave you in tears. We are not experts, we're just fans like you. And we're having a blast going through this masterpiece of fiction, 15 minutes at a time. Grad a cup of tea or your favorite scotch (or your steering wheel!) and join us every week!