I've gotten a lot of similar questions from listeners of what they'd like to hear me cover on this show. One of the main themes is that there's a curiosity about my personal practices and rituals—and I get it. It's fascinating to get a peek into how other people do things, especially if you're trying to figure out what works best for you. I hesitate to share my rituals very often because I want to be clear that this is just what works for me right now (and it will likely change before long). This isn't meant to be a singular guide on "what to do to be a Spiritual Person" because however you find that sacred connection is right and personal to you. With that said, in this episode, I am sharing some of my treasured practices from gathering in circle with womxn, to meditation, to living with the seasons, to learning how to quiet my mind, and to how I have built a relationship with the plants.Find show notes for this episode here: https://beccapiastrelli.com/cyclical-rituals/Follow Becca on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beccapiastrelli/Credit for the phrase "be a good ancestor" goes to Arianna of https://www.quwutsunmade.com/My book Root & Ritual: Timeless Ways to Connect to Land, Lineage, Community, and the Self is now available wherever books are sold! My intention with this book is for it to be your guide to reconnecting with the earth, your ancestors, and your communities as you come home to your whole self. Despite our best efforts, our modern world leaves so many of us feeling isolated, unworthy, and alone. We’re unrooted from the land, untethered from our lineages, disconnected from our communities, and separated from our deepest sense of self. Root & Ritual is meant to be a pathway back to connection and wholeness through rituals, recipes, and ancestral wisdom. Find more information at: http://rootandritualbook.com/