Mimi Young is a shamanic practitioner and founder of Ceremonie, a shamanic and ritual-based brand, and although we scheduled this conversation before any of us knew the extent of where we would be during this COVID 19 outbreak, what we had planned to talk about is very timely during these moments of Physical Distancing.Mimi shares her experience of having a five-month bedrest when she was pregnant with her second child and what she experienced in the isolation of this time — including a deep meditation practice, an accidental introduction to shamanic journeying, and an initiation. We tie Mimi's experience to what many of us are feeling and experiencing in this time of an uncertain timeframe of isolation.Find show notes for this episode here: https://beccapiastrelli.com/mimi-young/Follow Mimi Young on Instagram: https://instagram.com/shopceremonie/Follow Becca on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beccapiastrelli/My book Root & Ritual: Timeless Ways to Connect to Land, Lineage, Community, and the Self is now available wherever books are sold! My intention with this book is for it to be your guide to reconnecting with the earth, your ancestors, and your communities as you come home to your whole self. Despite our best efforts, our modern world leaves so many of us feeling isolated, unworthy, and alone. We’re unrooted from the land, untethered from our lineages, disconnected from our communities, and separated from our deepest sense of self. Root & Ritual is meant to be a pathway back to connection and wholeness through rituals, recipes, and ancestral wisdom. Find more information at: http://rootandritualbook.com/