We cannot believe the season one finale is HERE. We had a great time in this episode answering a lot of inbox questions from our Facebook group! Thank you all so much for your support not only for this podcast, but for everyone else in our group. If you haven't joined us in there yet, find the party here!
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/betterbranddesigner/
Website: https://www.bettebranddesigner.com/
Better Resources Page: https://www.betterbranddesigner.com/resources
Links Mentioned:
6 Figure Freelancer Episode Mentioned: https://avanimiriyala.com/affirmations-future-pacing/
Scramble Book Mentioned: https://www.amazon.com/Scramble-agile-strategy-brands-record-ebook/dp/B07GZ81ZLN