Originally aired on November 27th, 2020 on YouTubeVideo Podcast can be found HEREThe Season 2 Finale is upon us... and our guest is YOU! To wrap up Season 2 we are inviting our entire community to join us as a guest for a conversation about anything and everything. We’re also revealing the winner of this week’s flash Oculus Quest 2 and Elite Strap giveaway! Please join our Discord for more information and be a guest on the show this Friday! QUEST 2 GIVEAWAY W BMF, GAMERTAGVR LINK: https://gleam.io/wqH3Y/between-realities-bmf-gamertag-vr-virginia-philosophy-reality-lab-quest-2-256gb-elite-strap-giveaway Winner will be drawn during the Season 3 Premier on January 1st, 2021! Please check out & support our guests! Dezzy Fox Steam TwitchTwitter Steve XM YouTube John Westra Web AspinDarkfire YouTube Dean/DEAN3R from Dean and Bren YouTube LimitedFragz VR YouTube GrumpyDuckVR YouTube Wise Director YouTubeTwitch -- Between Realities Links -- Merch StorePatreonYouTubeTwitterDiscord Facebook RSS FeedAlex VRAlex VR’s TwitterSkeevaSkeeva’s Twitter We'd like to thank our Patron’s, Cody, John Westra, GermanrifterVR & deliriumDrew_VR You’re support means so much to us! We’re truly humbled that you choose to help us in our journey to make the XR industry thrive! All funds are used to fund the giveaways and to make this show better as we continuously strive to improve! Thank you so much for supporting Between Realities VR Podcast