John Taylor is an underwater paleontologist who specializes in finding Megalodon teeth and other prehistoric shark artifacts. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a harrowing conversation!
0:00 How JT got into tooth hunting
1:10 Some facts about Megalodon
2:20 Planning and gear for a dive
3:20 Dangers of tooth hunting
4:00 Stung in the face by a stingray!
4:32 Where teeth are found
6:20 What to look for in Meg teeth
7:20 Dangerous situations
8:00 Why JT dives
9:14 What the color of the teeth mean
10:26 Interesting reactions to Meg teeth
10:47 JT remembers his favorite teeth
11:30 Rise in Meg tooth popularity
12:10 The dangers FOSSILS face
14:08 The mission of fossil collecting