Hello and welcome! In today’s episode, I’ll be approaching a question that will always be open for debate as each and every one of us listens to and thinks about music differently. Nonetheless, all boils down to a musician’s ability of hearing sounds in its head. And the questions is: Where do musical ideas come from?
Supporting Links:
- Audiation - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_music_learning_theory#Audiation
- How Music Theory is (Not) Killing Your Creativity - https://www.beyondmusictheory.org/how-music-is-not-killing-your-creativity/
- Why Copy and Steal From Music - https://www.beyondmusictheory.org/why-copy-and-steal-from-music/
- The Importance of Planning Your Musical Compositions - https://www.beyondmusictheory.org/the-importance-of-planning-your-musical-compositions/
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