I never thought I would get to 100 episodes of this podcast, but here we are! In this episode, I celebrate with a series of mini-interviews from:
Volko Ruhnke (@Volko26)
Jason Perez (@ShelfStoriesGBL)
David Thompson (@djackthompson)
Amabel Holland (@amabelholland)
Cole Wehrle (@colewehrle)
Christienne Hinz (@xpelicious)
Sebastian Bae (@sebastianbae)
Dan Thurot (@danthurot)
Beyond Solitaire is proudly sponsored by Central Michigan University's Center for Learning Through Games and Simulations, where learning can be both playful and compelling. Check them out here: https://www.cmich.edu/colleges/class/Centers/CLGS/Pages/default.aspx
Rising Waters Kickstarter link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cmu/rising-waters?ref=discovery&term=rising%20waters
Monumental Consequence Order Link: https://cmichpress.com/product/monumental-consequence-physical-edition/
BIG NEWS: CLGS is now doing online game design classes that you can take from home, and they will have several new offerings this year. Keep an eye on this page: https://www.cmich.edu/academics/colleges/liberal-arts-social-sciences/centers-institutes/center-for-learning-through-games-and-simulations/certificate-in-applied-game-design
All episodes of my podcast are available here: https://beyondsolitaire.buzzsprout.com/
Enjoy my work? Consider supporting me on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/beyondsolitaire or getting me a "coffee" on Ko-fi! https://ko-fi.com/beyondsolitaire
Contact Me:
Email: beyondsolitaire at gmail.com
Twitter: @beyondsolitaire
Instagram: @beyondsolitaire
Facebook: www.facebook.com/beyondsolitaire
Website: www.beyondsolitaire.net