Beyond Sunday Worship Leader Podcast
Today we welcome Josh Baldwin to the podcast. Josh is a worship leader and songwriter with Bethel Music. His new album, produced by Bobby Strand, is so great – full of lyrical depth, southern vibe, and plenty of soul.
In this interview we talk about the Baldwin’s move from North Carolina to Redding, the making the new album, surprising songs from the record, allowing for space in your worship sets, songwriting, and more.
Today’s podcast is brought to you by Coresound. Coresound is an amazing new company that provides pad loops for your worship services.
What are pad loops, you may say? Essentially, it’s like the best keyboard sound or guitar swell you’ve ever heard, sitting underneath your live worship team. It’s helps to create a beautiful, patient atmosphere for your worship team and fill out the sound.
They’re a great investment if you have a smaller worship team or if you have a large team but want to create a bigger sound and improve your transitions. We’ve used them quite a bit at my church. We’ve actually done a two piece setup with me on a guitar, pad loops, and a drum pad and it sounds HUGE. And of all the pads I’ve tried, Coresound are the best sounding. By far.
I have the Deluxe bundle which comes with 6 different sounding pads in all 12 keys. It’s amazing because you literally have an arsenal of versatility for your worship team. Load them up on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop and you’re good to go. Whatever you play within the key of the pad loop sounds amazing, and each pad lasts for about 20 minutes.
So here’s the deal: head on over to and use the promo code “beyondsunday” and get yourself 20% off any purchase.
If you have an idea for a podcast you would like to see, a special guest you’d like to hear from, or a question for an upcoming episode, please email me.
If you enjoyed the show, I would be so appreciative if you would rate it on iTunes and write a brief review. That helps me so much! Thanks.
Question: What was your biggest takeaway from this interview with Josh? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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