In our 119th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with paediatric physio, Nicole all about why not to worry about reaching those gross motor milestone with our little ones!!
- When it comes to gross motor skills, why is it that kids can differ so much?
- Let’s get real about milestones! What are milestones and when should parents be concerned about them?
- How often should we be doing tummy time? And how do we get our babies to not hate it?
- Is there too much time for a baby to spend in a carrier? And does that hinder development?
- How do you know if your child has hip dysplasia?
- Are there any concerns if your baby hits their milestones too early?
- How can your toddlers fall so much and still be okay?
- What is plagiocefalie? And are there things we can do to avoid it?
- Should our children learn to walk in shoes or bare feet?
- What about knock-knees and bow-legged?
- And soooo MUCH MORE!!!
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Goodies mentioned:
Baby play academy
Baby wearers association
The Wonder Weeks App
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.