Swami Sarvapriyananda teaches Verse 15 from the Twelfth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita. This series of talks unfolds the highest truths of Vedanta through the study of "The Song of God".
🔆 Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 12 Verses 15:
यस्मान्नोद्विजते लोको लोकान्नोद्विजते च य: |
हर्षामर्षभयोद्वेगैर्मुक्तो य: स च मे प्रिय: ||15||
yasmān nodvijate loko lokān nodvijate cha yaḥ
harṣhāmarṣha-bhayodvegair mukto yaḥ sa cha me priyaḥ ||15||
🔴 Who causes fear to none and whom none can frighten, who is thus free from agitation of the moods caused by euphoria, anger, and excitement - such a person too is dear to Me.