-A Hard Choice-
-An Easy Choice-
Psalm 1:1, Blessed
-Don't Do This-
Walk in the counsel of the wicked
The Myth of More
God Helps Those Who Help Themselves, Romans 5:6
Live Together Before You Are Married, Psalm 119:24
Stand In The Path Of Sinners, Matthew 7:13-14
-Two Gates - Narrow And Wide-
Narrow Gate; Christianity, Divine Accomplishment, Divine Righteousness, Enter Heaven by God's Grace, Faith
Wide Gate; Every Other world Religion, Human Achievement, Self-Righteousness, Enter Heaven by Human Merit, Works,
-Two Ways - The Hard and the Easy-
Luke 14:25-33, Luke 9:23, Galatians 2:20, Romans 6:6-7, Romans 12:1-2
Sit In The Seat Of Scoffers
Do This, Psalm 1:2
The Result - A Blessed Life, Psalm 1:3
Application Point: Make The Easy Choice!