Unholy Hollywood - Interview with Chris Crutchfield Show Notes
Chris Crutchfield is a visual storyteller, music expressionist and a life liver, as well as the host of 6’7 - The Podcast. Chris gives a “taller” perspective on things in the world, and he speaks truth to power about the illusion of representative government and the deceptive media. Chris also had ten years of experience working in the entertainment industry in Hollywood. We discuss with Chris things related to the satanic connection the entertainment industry has, as well as the hidden agenda they have to pervert the world and the truth.
Episode brought to you by our Premium Subscribers or Seekers:
Maria M., Jessica H., William R., William M., and Ben L. (March 2023)
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Chris Crutchfield gives a unique perspective on how unknown entities at the top of the ladder in Hollywood call the shots, and many in the industry are their willing or unwilling accomplices. All too often, these unseen manipulators find talented but broken people to lure into their web of abuse and deception. Like a transient note that echos through time, Chris ties the original Nephilim agenda and Babylon into the modern world leaders in both Hollywood and government. There is nothing new under the sun!