Episode 219: Drone and Orb Proliferation - Interview with Sylvia McKelvey
Show Notes
Recent drone and orb sightings were all over the news before they were replaced with politics and natural disasters. However, these UAPs have not gone away. Sylvia McKelvey is a MUFON investigator with personal experience concerning orbs. We get the benefit of her expertise as we discuss the orbs and whether drones are just a distraction from the supernatural origin of what is really going on.
This episode is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Sean Dixon, Lindsay Polittle, and Micah Hedges
Introduction: Sylvia McKelvey has been a Christian investigator for over thirty years. She provided research materials for and appeared in the 1983 documentary The New Age: Pathway to Paradise, produced by WDFC Christian Television in Chicago, Illinois. She has been an investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and has served as the MUFON State Section Director for Santa Clara County in California.
Sylvia is the author of Storm on the Horizon: The New Age, UFOs, and the Cosmic Christ, which we discussed on her first appearance on our show. She is a former United States Naval Reserve Hospital Corps Petty Officer and served on active duty during Operation Desert Storm. She lives with her husband in Northern California.
Questions for Sylvia:
One thing is sure: the sky reveals more unusual phenomena than we usually see. Something is going on, and we may be seeing the beginning of the fearful sights and signs in the heavens Christ spoke about in Luke 21. There is a reason Jesus said that when these things begin to come to pass, Look up!
LA Marzulli Orb/Fallen angel on trail cam:
UFOs at 911 Twin Towers
UAP Japanese Tsunami
Weird Object During Japanese Tsunami (This was later filmed going over a roof top and onto another building)
UAPs Over LA and Saucer
Weird Object Flying Around LA During Fires
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