Today's Time Stamps:
1. 0:54 {Taking On an Atheist’s Challenge} Can you please respond to Holy Koolaid’s video alleging various Bible contradictions and problems with Christianity? Did Jesus Himself undermine Christianity?
2. 30:34 {Preston Sprinkle & “Side B” Christianity} What's your take on Preston Sprinkle? Some Christians like him, but others call him a heretic or "side B Christian.” The issue seems to be about him not thinking same-sex attraction is a sin when not meditated/acted on.
3. 38:08 {Is Family Planning Sinful?} My church teaches that a couple must continuously have as many children as they're able, and it's seen as selfish and a sin resulting in church discipline if they use any form of family planning to stop. Many have 12-18 children as a result. Leadership says God wouldn't give more children than a couple can handle. Is this biblical? We already have 5 children.
4. 47:49 {The Pinnacle of Wickedness} Mike, are we there yet? The Bible says it will be as in the days of Noah in the last days. Have we arrived at the pinnacle of wickedness yet?
5. 53:41 {Can we still Glean from Reckless Charismatism?} I learned that Bethel's prophecy teachings and those of Storms, Wimber, Deere, Randolph, etc. trace back to scandalous Kansas City prophets. Should all be ignored, or can the chaff be separated?
6. 1:04:11 {Trusting God with Deep Fears} I’m a mom of three young children. I struggle with a lot of fear over their safety. How can I give this to God, knowing that it doesn’t mean something bad won’t still happen?
7. 1:11:44 {Healing = the Children’s Bread?} "Healing is the children's bread" is taught by a pastor friend when he prays for the sick. He uses Mark 7:24-30 as the proof text. What is the “bread” in v. 27?
8. 1:18:05 {Household Responsibilities in Marriage} Does God care who does the dishes and cooks the food? Is the wife called to manage the household? What if both the husband and wife work similar full-time jobs (Proverbs 31:15,21,27; Titus 2:5)?
9. 1:26:13 {Questioning Salvation = Not Saved?} I asked the youth how confident they are of salvation on a 1-10 scale. One replied with a ”7” citing that they still sin and don’t read their Bible often. Can one be saved if they associate salvation with works like Bible reading? Are the warnings in Galatians fitting here?
10. 1:33:31 {Are All of Paul’s Writings Inspired?} What should we make of Paul saying "I, not the Lord" as if he's just giving his own opinion, while also believing that all Scripture (which includes that statement) is Holy Spirit inspired (1 Corinthians 7)?
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I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything.
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