Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Introduction
1. 0:13 I'm a follower of Christ, and I have several major illnesses which makes me uninsurable, and I can’t afford a funeral plan. My family will likely cremate me, but I’m REALLY troubled about this. Can only buried bodies be resurrected? Will I miss out on eternal life and go to Hell if my body is cremated? When I asked a pastor nearby, he said cremation is Pagan and only burial is biblical. Is this true?
2. 8:10 How do you see God when you pray? My mind wants to envision a person.
3. 10:29 Is there a possibility that “Lady Wisdom” in Proverbs 8 is actually the Holy Spirit? Is there ever any definitively male or female pronouns used in the Hebrew or Greek to know?
4. 13:26 Romans 11: 25-32 seems to say that the Jewish people will turn back to Christ. Do you have any thoughts on that or see a connection between that and the rising number of Messianic Jews is Israel?
5. 18:59 I am a new Christian, formally LDS. Many LDS folk have been very active at challenging my new beliefs (the Trinity, etc.) I want to share the Gospel with them, but I recognize I'm still learning. Do new Christians have an obligation to defend our beliefs and evangelize, or is it o.k. to ask these challengers to give me space?
6. 22:02 If God is timeless, how could He have sequential thoughts, especially before time was created (e.g., His decision to make time and creation)?
7. 25:36 What are our "non-negotiables" as Christians? What doctrines do we unapologetically plant our flags on and refuse to back down from?
8. 32:33 To what extent do we expose works of darkness? (Ephesians 5:8-14) A family member who claims to be a Christian is openly selling food w vulgar text & images and I found out she’s supplying alcohol to minors as well, through her business. The 1st part was bad enough, but I can’t stay silent anymore. She is already unhappy with me and another family member calling her out on behavior that endangered her child & our family, but admitted at the time that she “should be a better Christian.” How do we handle this?
9. 34:12 Is the Paradise mentioned by Paul in his vision of being taken to the third Heaven, Jesus to the thief on the cross, and in the account of Lazarus the same place?
10. 37:11 How can God love the whole world while hating sinners like in Psalm 5:5?
11. 41:23 Any advice for a wife whose husband has admitted he is not as spiritually mature as the wife? She doesn’t want to lead *him,* but is more spiritually mature.
12. 44:07 If a born-again Christian dies suddenly with an unconfessed sin (not a lifestyle) like momentary lust or deceit, will this lead to Hell? Or does Christ's sacrifice cover all sins (past & future)?
13. 49:05 Where are we when we are judged? On Earth, in Heaven, or somewhere in between?
14. 50:51 In Matthew 27, who are the people coming out of the tombs when Jesus rises? Did they continue earthly life and die again, or ascend too?
15. 54:22 How can I get close to God and overcome demons I have and oppression?
16. 57:31 My wife and I think we are called to move to Alaska for missions (to Remote Alaska). How can I know God is guiding us there?
17. 1:01:47 Would you please explain Matthew 10: 23? What is meant by “before the Son of Man comes”? Mark does NOT state this in his rendition of “Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles” (Mark 6:7-13).
18. 1:05:04 Have you ever read anything on the Eastern Orthodox view of the Holy Trinity called the Monarchy of the Father? If you have, do you have any thoughts?
19. 1:06:22 I think I'm getting diagnosed with Covert Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Proverbs 16:5 scares me. Am I unsavable? I want to be saved and truly converted, but fear is my motive.
20. 1:13:22 My heart has become hard due to continued rebellion which led to a problem trusting Christ and resting in Him. How do I know if I’m repentant when I’m not “sorry” anymore? I miss living near to Christ.
Every Friday at 1pm PT
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