I was recently interviewed by Alisa Childers and I've taken that interview and broken it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded.
0:00 intro
0:18 to SKIP intro
Today's meme is about whether it is a sin to cuss or not. But because this is the first video in the series we will take some time to explain what this is about. I'd like to add that I know there are plenty of believers who disagree with me on this issue. I consider them my brothers and sister and I'm open to changing my mind but I have yet to hear an intelligent and biblical case that cussing is generally permissible
Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHstu7p_vncGknpVhWp9uxc1
Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel
Part 1 https://youtu.be/wVLLuyN-Ezo
Part 2 https://youtu.be/CoBW3LY8xiw