Are there what appear to our eyes to be significant, deliberate, factual changes about the life of Jesus in the Gospels? Did the gospel writers seem to fabricate significant details about Jesus? If so, was this an expected and appropriate practice when writing a Greco-Roman Biography? Do "literary devices" exist, which were employed by the gospel authors, which allowed an ancient biographer to add fictional information to historical stories as a kind of "special effects"?
Dr. Lydia McGrew joins me to discuss several controversial and important issues related to the reliability of the Gospels.
This can be a rather complicated issue but I hope that today's interview will be enlightening and bring some clarity. Even if you don't agree with my guest (I'm not entirely sure what all my own views are on this issue) I think it's valuable to hear what she has to say because she has gone to such great lengths to bring clarity to a pretty fuzzy area of scholarship where I am genuinely concerned that some well-meaning, wonderful Christian scholars are making some significant mistakes.
Get Lydia McGrew's book "The Mirror or the Mask: Liberating the Gospels from Literary Devices"
Lydia's new YouTube Channel
Dr. Mike Licona (a genuine Christian who I respect) has a series of videos responding to Dr. Lydia McGrew's book which you can watch on this playlist on his YT channel
Lydia McGrew did a series of videos in response to Mike Licona's series and you can watch that playlist on her YT channel at this link