Patrick Gill, a talented video essayiest and bonkers livestreamer, joins the podcast to make a nasty brain game with the prompts:
The resulting brain-reaping game pits your social skills against the people in your small town as you try to keep your terrible secret. Mash up a little old lady's brains to learn kindness, bully some children to learn whimsy, and reap the cashier at the local gas station to learn how to finagle your way out of awkward conversations. Does the local stoner know bluntness? Does the sheriff know prevaricate? Find out in Ill Gotten Brains!
Follow Patrick on Twitch @PizzaSuplex, and follow all the Goo Crew people on their team page!
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Big Game Hunger is part of the Multitude Collective of podcasts. Created and hosted by Jenna Stoeber.
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