360 avsnitt • Längd: 20 min • Veckovis: Söndag
Welcome to Birmingham Citadel. We are a Salvation Army based in the City Centre of Birmingham UK . This podcast channel features the Bible teaching from the platform each Sunday morning at our Church. It also has expanded to include a series aimed at Teenagers and our Music Groups will be added episodes too. We encourage you to subscribe, rate and review us but if you live in Birmingham UK please be part of our diverse and loving church family #salvationarmy
The podcast Birmingham Citadel Salvation Army is created by Birmingham Citadel SA. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Continuing our build up to Easter this week with Associate Officer Hazel Ellison
It's Self Denial Sunday at Birmingham Citadel where we make a donation to the work of The Salvation Army across the World. This year we have focused on Indonesia.
Lt Corinne Seabridge is our guest speaker this week
Our Associate Officer Hazel is the speaker this week on Generosity
Corps Officer Ian Standley presents our Bible Message this week , which follows the video from week 2 in our Self Denial 2025 series featuring the work of The Salvation Army in Indonesia
Sunday 2nd February with Corps Officer Ian Standley
our Corps Officers bring us the Bible Message this week,led by Ian Standley
Our Corps Officer Keely is the speaker today
This Sunday was Covenant Sunday for the The Salvation Army in the UK and Ireland Territory.
Our Corps Officers lead us through the Bible Message and then an opportunity for everyone to take a Covenant card and spend time in prayer
Welcome to our first Bible Message Podcast of 2025 with our Corps Officers Ian and Keely Standley
Our final Bible Message of the year is from Major Samuel Edgar on the Sunday between Christmas and New Year
it's the 4th Sunday in Advent. Our Corps Officer Keely is our speaker today
On the 3 rd Sunday in Advent the meeting was all about Joy and featured the enrolment of 3 new Junior Soldiers
This is our 2nd Sunday in Advent due to no service taking place next Sunday in the Hall.
Our 1st Sunday is not available due to technical issues during the meeting on 24 November 2024
Envoy Hazel Ellison is our speaker on Remembrance Sunday 2024
Our guest speaker this week is Captain Richard Weston (Divisional Headquarters)
Associate Officer Hazel is our speaker this week on I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
Corps Officer Ian is the main speaker today in 2 parts today
Major Keely Standley brings thoughts on The Good Shepherd this week
Major Ian Standley is the speaker on Harvest Sunday
Major Keely Standley is our speaker this week
Majors Ian and Keely Standley bring us thoughts on The Light of the World this week
Welcome to series 7 of our Bible podcast series. We introduce you to our new Corps Officers (Church Leaders) Majors Ian and Keely Standley.
Episode 1 is their first Sunday leading Worship with us and we look forward to their teaching in the coming days.
Major Vic Kennedy is the guest speaker this week
Our guest speaker this week is Envoy Hazel Ellison
Lt Corinne Seabridge is our guest speaker this week.
Guest speaker Major Graham Mizon is the speaker this week on Haggai
Our new Corps Officers Major Ian and Major Keely Standley take the platform today for their first Sunday.
This week features a welcome video, some words from Major Ian and the Bible Message from Major Keely
Envoy Hazel Ellison is our speaker this week,
We had a few technical issues this week including loss of camera and the main microphone, but a replacement mic was used and the cameras restored later in the recording.
Envoy Hazel Ellison is our speaker this week
It was Youth Sunday this week, where the 12+ year olds took charge of the meeting. The talks were given by Rosie and Jonathan
Major Adrian Allman is our speaker today
Captain Clare used Paul in a series of talks on Father's day using Fathers and children in some interactive sessions to help with the theme
Our Associate Officer, Territorial Envoy Hazel Ellison is our speaker today following the enrolment of a new Senior SOldier
Captain Clare Allman is our speaker today
Captain Clare Allman is our speaker this week on Trinity Sunday, which is the week after Pentecost
Our Livestream crashed during the Bible Message this week so here is the full message from Major Adrian Allman. The whole meeting will be livestreamed again during the week
The planned bible message was not able to be presented this week, so Major Adrian Allman wrapped up our service which was Candidates Sunday and also followed the enrolment of 6 new Senior Soldiers (members)
On the occasion of the Dedication of Gray, Captain Clare Allman speaks on Noah and the Rainbow
Our leaders this week were our Divisional Leaders Majors Brian and Liv Slinn
Lt Corinne Seabridge is our guest speaker this week
Captain Clare Allman is our Easter Sunday speaker
Lt Col Paul Kingscott , the ISB Executive Officer is our speaker today
Captain Clare Allman continues our Lent series on the Gospel of Mark
On Mother's Day 2024 its Major Adrian Allman who is the preacher
Captain Clare Allman on Self Denial Sunday at Birmingham Citadel
Major Adrian Allman is the speaker this week
Our worship this week was led by Lt Cols Bill and Gill Heeley this week around Mark ch 9 v14-29
Major Adrian Allman continues with a talk on our Generous God
Captain Clare Allman begins our series on Self Denial with "Generous God"
Major Adrian Allman brings us the final message in the Be Real series
Part 3 in our mini series "Be Real" with Captain Clare Allman
Major Adrian Allman starts a short series called Be Real
It's the first Sunday of 2024, Epiphany Sunday and also the UKI Territory Commitment Sunday with Captain Clare Allman
Major Adrian Allman is the speaker on the final Sunday on 2023
our speaker today is our Associate Officer Hazel Ellison
Happy Christmas
Captain Clare Allman is the speaker on Christmas Eve
Captain Clare Allman prepared the thought for our Carol Service this year.
Unfortunately we had technical issues during the morning service so the sermon was not recorded.
Captain Clare Allman is the speaker on the second Sunday in Advent
This was also our Toy Service Sunday. the speaker is Major Adrian Allman
Captain Clare Allman is the speaker today
Major Adrian Allman is the speaker this week
Captain Clare Allman speaks on Remembrance Sunday
Guest Leaders Majors Dawn and Graham Mizon led worship today with Major Graham Mizon bringing us the Bible Message today
Captain Clare Allman speaks about Light in our podcast this week
Major Adrian Allman uses Haggai as his illustration for the Bible Message this week, and an opportunity to hear or see more of our church family first
Captain Clare Allman uses Jesus first miracle in her Bible Podcast today and also a chance to meet some of our church members, you can watch this podcast on the spotify podcast app or website
Major Adrian Allman continues the theme of Yet not I this week
Captain Clare Allman is our speaker on Harvest Sunday
Major Adrian Allman brings focus on those who work behind the scenes and do what they do for God, not for praise and recognition.
We also start using our Welcome to Birmingham Citadel videos to introduce the podcast
Captain Clare Allman is our speaker today
In this episode, our Band led worship and 3 members of the Band's Pastoral team, Ian, Talitha and Matthew lead our thoughts this week
Series 6 of our Bible Message Podcast kicks off with Major Adrian Allman
Lt Corinne Seabridge is the guest speaker on the day of the World Cup Final which was due to kick off towards the end of the service.
Captain Clare Allman completes the series on Dunamis - Ephesians. If you missed any of the series you can find them all here
the penultimate podcast in the Dunamis series
Captain Clare Allman is our speaker this week
Major Adrian Allman is our speaker today
This podcast has been created for The Salvation Army Together 23 event. On Saturday morning of 15th July the Sports Mission team have challenged people of The Salvation Army all over the Territory to participate in a Parkrun, either in Croydon, near the Together 23 venue, or at your local parkrun as a group.
Major Adrian Allman and Captain Clare Allman who are the Corps Officers at Birmingham Citadel have provided the Podcast again this year and we recommend you listen to this pod as you walk, jog or run this weekend wherever you are.
This is an audio only podcast.
On their Farewell Sunday* Captain Chris Still continues the series on Dunamis.
*Farewell Sunday for Captains Chris and Lucy Still as they move to Wallsend Salvation Army to become the Ministers (Corps Officers).
Major Adrian Allman continues the Dunamis theme with more words from Ephesians ch 2
Captain Clare Allman brings us the second part of our Dunamis series
Major Adrian Allman is the speaker today on Ephesians Ch 1
Captain Clare Allman is the speaker this week
Our guest speakers were the Divisional Leaders for the West Midlands Region Lieut Cols J P and Karin Ramos.
Join us now for the Pentecost Bible Message
Ascension Sunday was also the day formerly known as YP Annual or Prizegiving.
Today our children planned and led the meeting alongside the adults, conducting the music groups and giving the announcements too.
Here are 2 of our young people, Katy and Lillian plus the Children's Ministry leader Talitha with the thought on Ascension Sunday
Captain Clare Allman is the presenter this week
Major Adrian Allman is the speaker today using the Bible text from 1 Peter ch 2 vs 11-25
Captain Chris Still is the speaker this week
Captain Lucy Still is the speaker this week.
Captain Clare Allman delivers the Good News on Easter Sunday
Major Adrian Allman thinks about the Donkey on Palm Sunday from Luke 19:28-41
Captain Clare Allman is our speaker today reflecting on John 12:1-8
Captain Clare Allman continues the season of Lent this week.
Captain Lucy Still on the First Sunday in Lent 2023 in the build up to Easter.
If you are using the Anchor.FM app then you can watch the sermon , all other platforms are audio only
Captain Clare Allman talks about Living Faith using James Ch2 :14-26 on the day we enrolled Nathaniel as a Senior Soldier.
This Podcast is a video podcast if you view on the Anchor.FM app
In this episode we continue the Fresh Start theme and consider giving Thanks with Captain Clare Allman
Luke 17 vs 11-19
Continuing the theme of Fresh Start, Major Adrian Allman talks about distractions using Luke 13 : 31-35
Captain Clare Allman starts the new series called Fresh Start
At Birmingham Citadel we chose this week to be our Covenant Sunday, spend time with us today as Major Adrian Allman leads us to renew our Covenant.
Major Adrian Allman brings is the second Sunday of 2023
Happy New Year and Captain Clare Allman welcomes in 2023.
This week you can watch the Podcast as well as listen to it
Our Corps Carol Service brings lots of joy through music and dance but there is still time for a Bible Message from Major Adrian Allman
Major Adrian Allman speaks about Joseph on the 3rd Sunday in Advent with Matthew ch 1 vs 18-25
On the 2nd Sunday in Advent we look at the Shepherds with Captain Clare Allman
The Bible Message on the first Sunday in Advent uses Isaiah ch 7 vs 1-17
Captain Clare Allman concludes the series on 1 Thessalonians this week
Captain Clare Allam speaks on the day we remember those who gave their lives in pursuit of a peaceful future, Peace is our theme today
Major Adrian Allman is the speaker this week when the Songsters are visiting Wellingborough Salvation Army.
We will also publish the Bible Message from Wellingborough by Lt Col Gill Heeley in due course
Captain Lucy Still is the speaking this week
Major Adrian Allman continues the latest in this series of Bible Podcasts from our Sunday Service
Major Adrian Allman brings thoughts on 1 Thessalonians ch 2
Captain Clare Allman uses 1 Thessalonians chapter 1
Major Adrian Allman brings us the message this week using Psalm 37
Captain Clare Allman speaks on the Sunday before the Funeral for Queen Elizabeth II
On the Sunday after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Major Adrian Allman chooses Psalm 20 for his Bible Message today
The start of September sees a new series of podcasts and here is the first of our 2022/2023 series.
Captain Clare Allman kicks off the September podcasts
In the final episode of The Commonwealth Games series, Major Adrian Allman is at the mic.
The podcast this week is presented by Captain Clare Allman
Welcome to the Together 22 Park Run Podcast, especially recorded by Major Adrian Allman and Captain Clare Allman. The Together 22 Park Run will be at Edgbaston Reservoir, Reservoir Road, Birmingham B16 9EE
You are welcome to listen to this podcast anytime and also as you walk, jog or run around Birmingham during the Together 22 event.
Adrian and Clare Allman are the Corps officers(Ministers) at Birmingham Citadel Salvation Army on St Chads Queensway in the City Centre.
It's Youth Sunday this week, our teenagers were leading Worship. The podcast this week features two talks from Sophie and Oliver with a wrap up from Integrate Leader Edwina Hayward.
Captain Clare Allman continues the latest series of Bible Messages
Captain Clare Allman presents our Bible Podcast this week.
Major Adrian Allman delivers a bible message on Father's Day
Captain Clare Allman is the speaker this week
Captain Clare Allman continues the post Easter series building up to Pentecost
Captain Chris Still is the speaker this week
It's Candidates Sunday when we turn our attention to leaders, leadership and those who wish to consider full time ministry within The Salvation Army. Our Divisional Leaders Lt Cols JP and Karin Ramos led worship and JP is the speaker today
Captain Chris Still brings us the message on the Sunday following Easter
Major Adrian Allman is the speaker this week
Captain Chris Still brings up the final message in Lent on Palm Sunday
Captain Clare Allman continues the Lent series of Giving Up....
Major Adrian Allman continues the Lent series of Bible messages
Major Adrian Allman speaks on the 3rd Sunday in Lent 2022
This week we have a short podcast brought to you by Oscar and Jacob with wrap up by our Children's leader Talitha.
Captain Clare Allman kicks off our Lent season with Giving it up
This week our Associate Officer, Captain Chris Still, presents the Bible Message
Listen now to Major Adrian Allman with the second in the Care for Creation series linked to Self Denial 2022
Captain Clare Allman introduces the 2022 Self Denial Appeal - Care for Creation
Major Adrian Allman brings us a message about the "Skill of Noticing"
Captain Clare Allman speaks about Unity this week
The second part of the Commitment Sunday sermons with Major Adrian Allman
Captain Clare Allman introduces the theme of Commitment Sunday this week
Captain Chris Still kicks off the New Year Podcast from the first service of 2022
Major Adrian Allman delivers the Christmas Day message at Birmingham Citadel
Major Adrian Allman on the last Sunday before Christmas and the Corps Carol service
Captain Chris Still continues the theme of God with us, focussing on Mary the Faithful
God with Us - Joseph
Major Adrian Allman concentrates on Joseph this week
Remembrance Sunday with Captain Clare Allman
Captain Clare Allman is the speaker this week
Lt Corinne Seabridge is our guest speaker this week
Major Adrian Allman is this week's speaker
Major Adrian Allman presents our Sunday Sermon this week
Captain Clare Allman is our speaker today on the day baby Elijah was dedicated and welcomed in to our church family
Major Adrian Allman spoke on Harvest this week
Major Adrian Allman is our speaker this week
Major Adrian Allman kicks off season 4 (year 4) of our podcast sermons continuing the theme of Freedom
Listen to Major Adrian Allman as he delivers our message this week
Captain Clare Allman brings the message today.
Here is the latest Podcast from Rob and Edwina for our teenagers for the summer holiday break. Please pass this podcast on to anyone you think would like to listen in
This week we hear from guest speaker Major Vic Kennedy
Major Adrian Allman is our speaker today
Here is the podcast from Captain Clare Allman this week which includes the audio from a video shown on the screen in the Hall and the Livestream, so if you want to see the pictures to go with the video please watch the Livestream service from Sunday
The Integrate team are back with another series for the summer holidays in 2021. Please feel free to share this with teenagers in your family
This week guest speaker Stephanie Lamplough talks about Psalm 150
This week we hear from Rosie and Oliver as part of our Young People's Anniversary Sunday
Major Adrian Allman asks us to consider what values we have
Captain Clare Allman is this week's speaker. Welcome to the Birmingham Citadel Podcast
Major Adrian Allman is this week's speaker
Living in a New Kingdom | John 3:16; Acts 2:43-47
Captain Clare Allman concludes this series of Sermons on Trinity Sunday
Living in a New Way in a New Place| Acts 8:1-8; 11:19-26
Major Adrian Allman speaks to us on Pentecost Sunday
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment. This is the next in a series podcast for 2021. Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
16th May 2021: Living in Community | Nehemiah 6 (Candidates Sunday)
You can never go back to the old way of living. When the Exiles returned to Jerusalem, they found a common purpose and a common faith to build a new way of living together in a strange land.
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment. This is the next in a series podcast for 2021. Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Major Adrian Allman continues the latest series "Living in a Strange Land"
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment. This is the next in a series podcast for 2021. Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Captain Clare Allman expands on Living in a Strange Land | Jeremiah 29
Exiled to a foreign land, God’s vision of living in this land is beyond what anyone would imagine. Wherever we live, God has wisdom for how to order our daily lives
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment. This is the next in a series podcast for 2021. Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Major Adrian Allman speaks on the first Sunday we can have a congregation following lockdown restrictions being eased.
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment. This is the next in a series podcast for 2021. Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Guest Speaker Major Samuel Edgar brings our message this week
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment. This is the next in a series podcast for 2021. Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Captain Clare Allman brings us the message this week
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment. This is the next in a series podcast for 2021. Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Major Adrian Allman moves us closer to Easter with the next talk in the Lent series
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment. This is the next in a series podcast for 2021. Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Captain Clare Allman brings us the Sermon for Mothering Sunday
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment. This is the next in a series podcast for 2021. Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Major Adrian Allman speaks about Zacchaeus on Altar Service Sunday. This year our giving is online, please contact us for more information on how to make a donation
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment. This is the next in a series podcast for 2021. Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Continuing our Lent season with Captain Clare Allman.
you can watch the whole meeting each week on our livestream platform too.
Major Adrian Allman talks on the first Sunday in Lent 2021
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment. This is the next in a series podcast for 2021. Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
This week we have a guest speaker, one of our young people, Rosie, who is 9 years old talks about Ruth from the old Testament, then our Children's Ministry Leader, Talitha continues the message.
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment. This is the next in a series podcast for 2021. Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Captain Clare Allman brings us the message on the first Sunday of the Self Denial appeal
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment. This is the next in a series podcast for 2021. Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
On our Commitment Sunday Major Adrian Allman concludes the series on our Covenant with God
Captain Clare Allman continues the series on our Covenant with God
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment.
This is the next in a series podcast for 2021.
Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Major Adrian Allman continues the theme of Covenant in our sermon today
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment.
This is the first in a series podcast for 2021.
Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Welcome to our first podcast of 2021. Captain Clare Allman presents our first message of the year.
Captain Clare Allman leads us on the Sunday after Christmas
Major Adrian Allman brings us the last in the Advent series on the Sunday before Christmas
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment.
This is the latest seasonal podcast with thoughts around Christmas.
Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Captain Clare Allman has the Message today on the 3rd Sunday of Advent
Major Adrian Allman talks about Trust on the 2nd Sunday of Advent
Captain Clare Allman brings the message on the First Sunday in Advent
Our Youth Team are producing a number of themed podcasts at the moment.
This is the latest seasonal podcast with thoughts around Christmas.
Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Major Adrian Allman uses Stir Up Sunday as part of his message to us today. Click now to listen to everything God has guided him to say to us
Captain Clare Allman speaks to us this week around Acts chapter 19
Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them. Listen now to the new series starting today.
Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them. Listen now to the new series starting today.
Captain Clare Allman is speaking on Acts 18 today
Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them. Listen now to the new series starting today.
The Songster's podcast continues this week with Edwina, one of the Deputy Leaders, providing singing tips to help keep your voice in shape while we cannot sing as a choir. She then has a conversation with Adam, a member of the group, and asks those all important questions.
Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Major Adrian Allman brings us the Harvest Message this week.
The Songster's podcast continues this week with the Leader, Lesley providing singing tips to help keep your voice in shape while we cannot sing as a choir. She then has a conversation with Caroline, a member of the group, and asks those all important questions.
Captain Clare uses Acts 17 today for her Message.
Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to pur podcast please pass this on to them.
In this new series of Podcasts, we will be offering some basic singing tips to help keep your voice in shape while we can't sing in choirs. We will also be meeting a member of our group who shares some facts that you may be interested in.
This week features Deputy Leader Lucy providing the singing tips and then interviewing Rob, a member of the Bass section in the choir
Major Adrian Allman brings our message for the week
Captain Clare Allman speaks to us on a Day of prayer for victims of Human Trafficking
Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to pur podcast please pass this on to them.
Major Adrian Allman presents this episode of our weekly Sermon Podcast.
Captain Clare Allman uses Acts 13 in her message today
Integrate is the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. THis podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members, but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to pur podcast please pass this on to them.
Our guest speaker today is Major Samuel Edgar.
We welcome a guest speaker this week, our Divisional Commander Lt Colonel J P Ramos.
Integrate ins the name of our Youth Group for the 11-16 age group at our Church. This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members but we feel we should share this with our online congregation too. So, if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcast please pass this on to them.
Major Adrian Allman is presenting our weekly podcast episode.
Integrate is the name of our Youth group for the 11-16 age group at our Church.
This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members but we feel we should share this with our online congregation, so if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcasts please pass this on to them.
Integrate is the name of our Youth group for the 11-16 age group at our Church.
This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members but we feel we should share this with our online congregation, so if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcasts please pass this on to them.
Integrate is the name of our Youth group for the 11-16 age group at our Church.
This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members but we feel we should share this with our online congregation, so if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcasts please pass this on to them.
Integrate is the name of our Youth group for the 11-16 age group at our Church.
This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members but we feel we should share this with our online congregation, so if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcasts please pass this on to them.
Integrate is the name of our Youth group for the 11-16 age group at our Church.
This podcast series was originally conceived for distribution to those members but we feel we should share this with our online congregation, so if you have young people in your home or family who might benefit from listening to our podcasts please pass this on to them.
Major Adrian Allman follows up last week's "Busy doing nothing" with "Busy doing something" using John ch 12 vs 20-26
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.