We give some theory and new science on epidurals. These are things you ought to know. Blyss tells a tale of two births while Dr. Stu spreads real information around the globe.
First up, we reflect on our recent webinar on home birth hesitancy, discussing fear-inducing tactics used by the medical industry. We question scientific experiments and discuss gaslighting around polio.
We then share powerful birth stories and address the challenges faced while navigating the medical model of birth. We underline the unpredictability of birth and the pivotal role of doulas. We also examine the motives of the pharmaceutical industry, especially concerning misinformation about birth control, and question the possible link between the approval of vaccines for pregnant women and the surge in infant mortality rates.
Finally, we scrutinize the use of epidurals in childbirth and their impact on labor, portraying the contrasting rates of epidural use across various countries and hospitals. We explain that labor pain serves a purpose and is not merely a negative experience.
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