Bishop Fulton Sheen Remastered
In part 11 of the retreat, Fulton Sheen delves into the story of Judas Iscariot, reflecting on the reasons behind his betrayal and the broader spiritual lessons it imparts. Sheen begins by emphasizing that Judas was not chosen to be a traitor but an apostle. Despite his privileged position, Judas’s fall stemmed from a gradual loss of faith, particularly marked by his rejection of the Eucharist when Christ announced it. Sheen highlights that this turning point caused a division among Christ’s followers and ultimately led to Judas’s betrayal. The betrayal is tied to Judas’s avarice and cynicism, but Sheen asserts that these were symptoms of a deeper spiritual decay.
Sheen recounts the dramatic events of the Last Supper and the betrayal in Gethsemane, underscoring Judas’s superficial loyalty. Judas’s outward appearance of respect, shown in his kiss, masked his inner corruption—a poignant reminder of how easily external piety can hide internal betrayal. Sheen uses this moment to illustrate a recurring pattern: when individuals lose their connection to Christ through prayer, the Eucharist, and the sacraments, they risk falling into spiritual ruin. Judas’s failure to seek reconciliation with Christ after the betrayal led to his despair and tragic end, serving as a stark contrast to Peter, who also denied Christ but repented and was redeemed.
In conclusion, Sheen reflects on the profound lesson of Judas’s life: anyone can sell Christ for worldly gain, but no one can buy him back. This betrayal, rooted in a failure of faith and love, serves as a warning and a call to deeper prayer, vigilance, and commitment to the Eucharist. Sheen challenges his audience to engrave this lesson on their hearts, recognizing the ever-present danger of losing sight of Christ in their spiritual journey.