In this deeply reflective sermon, Bishop Fulton Sheen invites listeners to explore the life of St. Peter, a man with two names and two natures, much like all of us. Peter, born Simon, was called by Christ to a divine vocation and named “Rock,” symbolizing his foundational role in the Church. Yet, throughout his life, Peter vacillated between his human weaknesses and his spiritual calling, embodying the tension that exists within every Christian—the battle between what we are and what we are called to be. Through humorous anecdotes and poignant biblical insights, Sheen paints a vivid portrait of Peter’s impulsiveness, loyalty, and struggle with the demands of discipleship.
Sheen highlights Peter’s defining moments, from his reluctant obedience to Christ’s command to cast the nets, to his bold yet faltering attempt to walk on water. Each story reveals Peter’s deep love for the Lord but also his struggles with faith and sacrifice. At the heart of Peter’s journey lies his resistance to the cross, exemplified in his rejection of Christ’s prophecy of the Passion and his desire to cling to the glory of the Transfiguration. Sheen masterfully connects Peter’s story to our own, showing how we too wrestle with the call to embrace sacrifice and self-denial as the path to spiritual transformation.
The sermon culminates in Peter’s fall and redemption, marked by his denial of Christ and the profound grace of his recovery. Sheen outlines the five steps of Peter’s fall—neglect of prayer, substitution of action for prayer, following Christ from afar, seeking creature comforts, and compromising with worldly companionship—and contrasts them with the three steps of his return: the crowing of the cock, Christ’s penetrating gaze, and Peter’s tears of repentance. With wisdom and compassion, Sheen reminds us that Peter’s story is our story—a mirror of our struggles and our hope. By meditating on Peter’s life, we can recognize where we have faltered and find encouragement to return to the Lord with renewed love and humility.