Bishop Fulton Sheen Remastered
In this address, Fulton Sheen emphasizes the widespread denial of sin's reality in contemporary society, drawing on Dostoyevsky's insights and historical examples. He critiques the modern tendency to perceive everyone as inherently faultless and discusses the reluctance to acknowledge personal sin. Sheen elaborates on the psychological and spiritual consequences of sin, exemplified through Shakespeare's "Macbeth." He addresses the common escapes from acknowledging sin: treating it as a psychological issue rather than a moral failing, and rationalizing wrongful actions. Sheen emphasizes the Christian doctrine that forgiveness of sins requires the shedding of blood, as symbolized in Biblical narratives and culminating in the sacrifice of Christ. He asserts that recognizing and confessing sin is crucial for true redemption and healing, urging a return to a deeper understanding of sin and its forgiveness through Christ's sacrifice.