Bishop Fulton Sheen Remastered
In his enlightening sermon, Bishop Fulton Sheen takes his audience through the captivating journey of love, likening it to the unfolding drama of a theatrical play. He introduces the concept of love and courtship with a light-hearted approach, using the analogy of theater music before the curtain rise to describe the anticipation and excitement that precedes a romantic relationship.
Bishop Sheen expertly outlines the four distinct stages of romantic development. The first stage, "Togetherness," is marked by the innocent and carefree interaction between young boys and girls. Here, Sheen highlights the natural, uncomplicated relationships that exist before the awareness of sexual differences comes into play.
The second stage, "Separation," is characterized by a period of divergence, where boys and girls consciously distance themselves from each other. Sheen humorously notes the reluctance of boys and girls to be associated with each other during this phase, emphasizing its importance in allowing both genders to develop their unique characteristics and strengths.
In the third stage, "Crystallization," teenagers begin to view each other with a sense of idealization, often attributing extraordinary qualities to one another. Sheen delves into the psychology behind this, explaining how this stage reflects a deeper yearning for infinite happiness and love. He cautions, however, against mistaking this glorification for true love.
Finally, Bishop Sheen discusses "Courtship," the stage where true love and compatibility are tested. He proposes several criteria for a successful courtship, including affinity beyond physical attraction, sacrifice and selflessness in men, femininity and nurturing in women, and the ability to pray together. These elements, according to Sheen, are essential for a relationship that transcends physical attraction and aligns with divine love.
Throughout the sermon, Bishop Sheen uses humor, poignant anecdotes, and insightful observations to engage his audience. His message is clear: true love is a journey that goes beyond mere physical attraction, reaching into the realms of spiritual and emotional compatibility, ultimately reflecting the divine love of God. This sermon, with its blend of wisdom and wit, is a compelling exploration of the complexities and joys of human relationships, making it an ideal topic for podcast listeners interested in understanding the deeper aspects of love and courtship.