130 avsnitt • Längd: 10 min • Veckovis: Torsdag
Darby Hudson talks about poetry, the ’creative process’, cats, alchemy and life.
My book that essences all the best bits from my podcast:
Um: Things I’ve Learned About Creativity And Poetry
The podcast Blah Di Da is created by Darby Hudson. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Some thoughts on writing short and simple sentences and a small reflection on advertising constructing simple messages to complicate your life.
My new book: YOU'RE GOING TO BE OK
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Some thoughts on art helping me through my 30s while feeling stuck in life.
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I'm tired of stories. Just give me a scene with a dream.
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This one is all over the shop. I'm losing my focus these last few weeks. Hopefully the brain brings more focus soon.
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I watched seasons 4 and 6 - supposedly the classic seasons of this show.
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A few thoughts on AI, creativity and talking to my guardian angel through writing.
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I love the cooler months. That's when I feel like I come out of a long coma and I can think straight again. Sorry about the sound of the airconditioning fluttering in the car.
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40 is a strange time for writers. It's kind of a cut of point to have a family or go full blast at creativity and 'make it'. Art is a naturally 'selfish' pursuit, it has to come first. But so does family.
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Just some scattershot thoughts on vibes in the air and the artists work to pick them up. Apologies - I'm filming this as a video and I'm slowly adjusting to making stuff up while filming myself (in the car) which blocks me a little. I'll get there.
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Trying to find more magic in my work. Maybe that requires more visits to the country and respect for my dreams. But without being boring.
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I turned down promotions, relationships, sensible decisions over decades until I'd painted myself into a corner. For better or worse or better.
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I forget I'm an old fart sometimes. Most art is tapping the inner child. But I gotta learn to embrace this mulch heap of years I've existed through.
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Michael Leunig's email he wrote me on finding one's voice is the last 5 minutes if you want to skip to it. Michael Leunig's died a week ago. He was a massive influence on me as a kid and taught me that humans could actually make magic. Michael's instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/leunigstudio/
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Fast thinking is rewarded in life. Slow thinking is rewarded much later in life.. Without writing my thoughts down, nothing would happen. I need to build on thoughts in front of me.
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Been writing a crime novel. Well a whole page over a year. I'm enjoying tinkering with with the few paragraphs I have. Don't know if I'll ever publish it. But it's fun.
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I have a lot of stuff that I can't publish because I know the world's just not ready for it. But it keeps me sane to write it.
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A little chat with Jay who posts "Dear Stranger" letters around the world!
Check out Jay's work here: https://www.instagram.com/jaytheauthor/
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Stuck on the couch after a soccer injury. I'm weirdly enjoying it.
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I love Josh's work. Thank you Josh!
You can find Josh's work on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/joshuaturek/
And his podacast, Turek Books on Apple, here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/turek-books-podcast/id1734284461
My new book: YOU'RE GOING TO BE OK
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It's a contradiction to hold brutality and tenderness while writing, And promoting your work can feel like shouting about your whispers. You need both. Not only for writing but to promote your work, too.
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A bunch of times I thought i'd plateaued with my writing. And then, bam! Another level. It can happen after years of banging your head on the same wall, and it can come all at once.
My new book: YOU'RE GOING TO BE OK
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What parts of me are me? A bit of psuedo-philoshophical waffle of an ep.
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I've had to learn to balance chaos and routine in my life... forcibly. And the writing started to pour out.
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Some thoughts on finding an audience over 30 years and writing ten books until I'd made my best one.
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A few things I've learned to jumpstart me old brain.
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I miss good stories.
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Dedicating life to art can feel full of meaning and a complete waste of time.
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I've invested much of life placing the cart before the horse and things are starting to work.
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I've always loved the idea of radical acceptance, or whatever new-agey people call it. I struggle with it, so writing about it always helps me understand it, grasp it..
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Relaxing is hard work for me. Sometime I feel like who I am is too tied up in the stuff I make. So it's interesting to force myself to just be a person without the magic of creativity.
My new book: YOU'RE GOING TO BE OK
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"YOU'RE GOING TO BE OK... " is probably my favourite book. You can find it in the link below. It's sorta fitting this is me 100th episode. The book is made from bits and pieces from all my poems across all my books. Just the juiciest most combustible lines.
My new book: YOU'RE GOING TO BE OK
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Well, that was a leap off a cliff. It went better than I expected, Lots of learning from it. Parts when really well, some not so well. But overall I suprised myself.
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I once read only to learn. Everything else felt like a waste of time. But learning also brings me anxiety. I love reading genre crime fiction, it lowers my anxiety, it takes me away from myself, the world.
My two current crime fiction/psychological thriller writers:
Michael Connelly
Frieda Mcfadden
And Thomas Harris - Red Dragon (part of the Hannibal Lecter anthology is absolutely exquisite)
My new book: YOU'RE GOING TO BE OK
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Less than a week away to my live sho in Melbourne (August 15th) - tickets below.
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Gotta consciously wrongfoot myself to make interesting things.
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Running a 'poetry business' is weird and business me and creative me are often at odds with each other. Batching has taken these two version of me out of the same room and given me a little more breathing space.
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I've always been fascinated by the little doors to other worlds scattered in unassuming places.
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Peter Weir's Picnic At Hanging Rock was Twin Peaks before Twin Peaks. (And I love David Lynch).
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I often felt lost and unconfident in not knowing what I was doing when I was in my 20s. I still don't know what I'm doing but I'm more confident about it. But a brutal hangover reminded me what it was like to be in my 20s and feel lost for a day... in my 20s I'd experience this feeling without even needing a hangover, and often!
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I've kept a lot of my life personal, even though most of my stuff is written very personally. But I've crossed a small line into posting about stuff that I haven't before and it feels like very new territory. And more interesting territory.
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I crap on about the courage to be the first to say what everyone's thinking. Good ideas. And a brief chat with Matt Hardy who's producing me first show.
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I took the top ten downloaded episodes, went through the transcripts and found my fave bits from each and here I am reading them out.
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This is something I recorded a year back that started all my videos. I've added a few more ideas/minutes to it.
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I give my writing and painting a long leash, and often no leash at all. I have to trust it will do its thing. It's all (sometimes frustratingly) counterintuitive
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A few thoughts on smuggling myself through the years of the cult of sensible.
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It's thrilling when I post what I think is a shit idea and it resonates with an audience. Especially when all my good ideas don't resonate, and a single bad one does. It reminds me I don't own my creativity
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I'm the sum of my influences and nearly 50 years of just existing. I've been feeling recently I'm stepping into a void left my some of my favourite artists and writers.
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Only 1% of my stuff works and 99% of it is rubbish. It can effect me emotionally. I can get really grumpy when the creativity isn't going my way. But it's part of it. It's always been part of it.
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I posted something on social media recently about a little secret game I play with myself that seemed to resonate - that makes me believe we're constantly starving for meaning our lives. I might be wrong.
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I've writen and recorded a lot of cynical videos over the past 6 months. Perhaps it's time to mix it up (soonish)..
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I struggled for years trying to find the balance going to work and pretending to be sensible then getting home to get insane to make interesting things.
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It's something I've been rambling about recently, but it took 30 years to find an audience and none of the stuff I made over this time without an audience has gone to waste.
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Sometimes I'll be out somewhere, and for no reason at all, unexplained and unexpected happiness moves through me.
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This title is after a quote from True Detective season one by Nic Pizzolatto.
YouTube clip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Taf4P1uXR6Q
This ep I crap on about art being a weird way of connecting, turning strangeness into magic.
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Here I crap on about traditional gatekeepers and our inner gatekeeper. And Trojan horsing/subversive social commentary through different avenues.
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Just a little thought on memes and how they shape thinking. I am no academic or sociological expert. Entertainment purposes only 😂
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Thinking aloud helped massively this last year, mainly thanks to making this podcast! I never thought I'd enjoy it. I never know what I'm thinking untiil it tumbles outta my mouth, threads back through my ears and then written with the hand.
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I have to constantly trick my brain back into beginner mode. As soon as I think I'm an 'expert' on a particular way of writing, my writing is dead on the page.
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This week I read a few poems from my book and talk about a quote from Cormac McCarthy that was in the back of my mind while I wrote it.
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This week feels like a bit of a diary entry (recently they sorta have been) but here I waffle-reflect on finishing a book and searching and planting the seeds for a new idea to begin.
Preorder my new book: WORKING NINE LIVES
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Forks in the road towards a weird career in the arts.
Preorder my new book: WORKING NINE LIVES
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A little blah di da reflection on writing without an audience for 30 years.
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Sometimes I'll write stuff purely on 'cleverness' and it will lack something. It feels like I've sold out to myself. But sometimes I have to write these hollow pieces to break through to the real stuff.
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Talking about David Chase from the Sopranos, David Lynch, and not giving a shit as aid to creative breakthroughs.
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I thought I'd document the writing process of one of my videos I shared recently on TikTok and Instagram "Envy disguised as moral highground". Also there's a little bit I learned on writer's rooms (from the Sopranos showrunner, David Chase) at the end.
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Walking to the supermarket (excuse the clicking of the leaves I'm walking on) and some thoughts on the time of the year between Christmas and New Years.
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I used to visit a cafe next to a nursing home. It was incredible. Anxiety reducing. And I've noticed how some of my favourite artists write beyond themselves when physically frail and elderly.
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All the creative breakthroughs I've had over 40 years and significant moments that have inspired me.
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Each book I've written seems to have had an abberant piece in it - like a doorway to the next book.
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UM' self help book for creatives:
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I walked Melbourne Streets sticking up poems over two days while talking to myself: Gertrude St, Swan St, Greville St, Chapel St, Smith St Brunswick St, Bridge Road, VCA Southbank.
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Shit podcast episode. Huge creative block. And little on letting the unconscious do the heavy lifting in creativity.
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A sort of sequel episode to epsiode 57. Getting out of the way of myself by documenting my mum then work.
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Trying to find momentum to create when (naturally) 95% of creativity is rubbish.
Preorder my new book: WORKING NINE LIVES
UM' self help book for creatives:
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Daydreaming in my teens. Comedy in my 20s. Poetry in my 30s. Then combing it all in my 40s.New poetry collection 2023:
UM' self help book for creatives:
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I talk about finding my voice by speaking it aloud. And maintaining enthusiasm for making ideas even though 95% of them are crap.New poetry collection 2023:
UM' self help book for creatives:
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I interview Tommy Attwood who is a writer and illustrator from the US with a delisciously bent mind. Tommy's Instagram: @spiritualcardboard
New poetry collection 2023:
UM' self help book for creatives:
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I mucked around with TikTok for 4 years before I had a breakthrough. One idea inititally only had 200 views. I reposted it a few years later with now over 500000 views. Here's what happened, what I did.
New poetry collection 2023:
UM' self help book for creatives:
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My legs have taken me to heaven and hell. They've got me into and out of trouble. They're inhabited with a pure spirit.
UM' self help book for creatives:
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I'm managine my time better. I've been writing without immediately posting it. Holding onto ideas for 5 days. While feedback can have a purpose for putting together some of my work, the constant feedback loop was starting to take me off course. So I'm learning to not post stuff right away and actually give myself whole days off writing. It's been super helpful.UM' self help book for creatives:
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Re-watching the Sopranos 20 years made me remember what great art can be. And great modern art isn't public, in a gallery or found on social media. It's found in weird texts between friends.
UM' self help book for creatives:
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There doesn't really feel like there are lessons to be learned when waking life is riddled with dream logic.'UM' book, a self help book for creatives (the distilled 'best bits' of this podcast:
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Cats have incredible amounts of zen and attitude. I've borrowed much of this when writing my work.
'UM' book, a self help book for creatives (the distilled 'best bits' of this podcast:
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I ramble on about self censorship and trying to create interesting thoughts and planting ideas in different geographical locations.
'UM' book, a self help book for creatives (the distilled 'best bits' of this podcast:
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I've been handwriting again a fair bit. Words look more magical, as if they're dressed in pyjamas when handwritten in pencil. Fonts in Microsoft Word look 'adult' and dressed in suits.
'UM' book, a self help book for creatives (the distilled 'best bits' of this podcast:
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Here I ramble on about reaching the edge of culture and needing to make it up myself, To collaborating with myself from ten years ago.My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF - soon to be a paperback):
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I talk about poems that shake me awake, detach me from my shadow, and let me fly into the sky. And the reasons (perhaps) why they do this. It’s been said when writing, “say it straight and make it great”. But the best lines are when they’re said straight, and don’t need to be made great. My favourite poems are often this way.
'UM' book, a self help book for creatives (the distilled 'best bits' of this podcast:
My 'Best Of' illustrated poems:
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I talk a little about my new book - you can get a 50% discount for the current eBook version, I give the code out towards the end of the episode that you can enter at the checkout on my site. I will make it into a print book. It's basically a distilled version of what I think might be the most useful stuff for artists/creatives that I've mentioned across the previous 30 episodes! :)
'UM' book, a self help book for creatives (the distilled 'best bits' of this podcast:
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While struggling with meaningless jobs in my 30s, I started getting stupid with life, framing my electricity bill in an Officeworks frame and selling it as 'art' for the price that was due. And applying with 2500 jobs with a stupid resume. This is from my ebook, out soon, called UM: Things I've learned about creativity and poetry. It's my first little 'how to' book for creatives on publishing, arting, and writing, Out soon.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
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I began as a humourist in my 20s, writing for The Chaser and making 'gag' cartoons for Inkgroup greeting cards. But I found flat out humour limiting, until I started to mix poetry with it in my 30s.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
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I talk about searching for truth and wisdom in unlikely places and separating the art from the artist. I went down a Charles Manson rabbit hole this week. This episode is obviously not an 'endorsement' of him or his actions, (clearly he was a psychopath) rather, some of his quotes, removed from the context of his life and legal convictions (and objectively looked at), are undoubtedly interesting.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
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I've found it hard to balance being in fairly regular contact with the old inner-child, to help creativity, while adulting in a world that has no time for that stuff.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
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I took a few weeks break from writing (a few weeks back). I'm still completely distracting myself with football and de-prioritised writing, and voila, I've never felt more creative. Creativity is a difficult creature that sometimes only seems to arrive when it's not exclusively focused on.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
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Nine-to-fives are really just paid acting gigs. Popular and award winning culture rarely makes sense to the heart. The world talks in cliche, so words may as well be numbers. Some thoughts on the strangeness of the world, the strangeness of culture, and how it works for art and writing.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
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The past is a foreign country, wrote L.P. Hartley. Here I wander around Richmond where I grew up in the 80s. Things have changed. A small reflection on what the world was and what the world has become.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
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How I started publishing; getting published by a publisher who isn't you; and self publishing. Independent music and film is glamorised - self publishing books is seen as dirty and 'vanity publishing'. But the tides have well and truly changed.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
My 'Best Of' illustrated poems
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2 weeks off writing and I'm waffling about complaint poetry, writing to untangle mess, and clues to find a new direction for writing.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
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I'm feeling creatively burnt out, I can't see the poetry in things anymore. Clouds look dead in the sky. So I have to engage in this paradox: the best creativity only comes when unforced and relaxed; so I'm forcing myself to take a break from creativity to relax.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
My 'Best Of' illustrated poems
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My new book, CONFETTI TORNADO (new and selected works) is the first book of poetry I've illustrated/painted. It's also a collection of works that are some of my faves drawn from my 3 current books, and I'm still not sick of them.
In this episode, thoughts on :
•putting the book together
•editing: leaving out cultural hot-takes, and more towards anachronistic/grasping at innocence
•how colour and painting influenced the writing
Out now:
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
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A Poet Laureate for Australia? I think we need a Comedian Laureate.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
My 'Best Of' illustrated poems
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I ramble about what I thought in my 20s, 30s and 40s and how earning years of life brings more conviction to writing through simply recognising the patterns and cycles of the world.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
My 'Best Of' illustrated poems
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I had a bunch of ideas that I tried to plant and grow this week. None of them worked. Here they are. And what I thought of them. And what I might do with them. Some ideas that seem crap may work in a day or in 10 years from now with a new idea to bring them to life.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
My 'Best Of' illustrated poems
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Contrarian wisdom and unpopular opinion can produce sacred truth. Here I talk about finding ideas in the small spaces against the popular opinion of the crowd - the space where the unsaid is said.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
My 'Best Of' illustrated poems
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Two childhood films feel more important than the news these days. The world feels upsidedown and often a hostile place to publish the heart's truths. Some thoughts about this. And a quick mention of my new 'best of' book, out in Feb or March!
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
My 'Best Of' illustrated poems
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My favourite artists and places who have massively inspired my work. Sometimes I feel like I'm just a poor rip off of all my influences. I think as an artist, we grow and move from being inspired by other artists, to the original source itself: places/nature.
Links to poems artists mentioned in this episode:
Michael Leunig – Come Sit Down Beside Me (poem)
IG: https://www.instagram.com/leunigstudio/
Charles Bukowski – The Laughing Heart (poem)
Mary Oliver – The Journey (poem)
Alan Watts – Life And Music (lecture)
Cormac Mcarthy – The Road (novel)
Adam Elliot – Harvey Krumpet (short film)
IG: https://www.instagram.com/adam_elliot_clay/
David Lynch – Twin Peaks (TV series)
Andy Jackson –The Thin Bridge (book)
Mark Tredinnick (author)
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
My 'Best Of' illustrated poems
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This weeks brain dump on cat spirits, chanelling my mum's spirit (and a boring conversation from beyond life), and finding garlic in the supermarket.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
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A good walk kickstarts ideas, thoughts, inspiration. I didn't have anything ready for this episode, so I just started walking and letting it happen. Movement always inspires something. And I love a good flaneuring. Subjects include the anaesthetic qualities of doomscrolling, car mirrors with cobwebs as fly nets for spiders, and just noticing stuff on the streets. Recorded in walking Collingwood streets, alleys and Preston Market, Melbourne.
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Drinking alone is demonised. But what if it's used as a tool for creative thought? I share my thoughts on booze and its ability to help get us out of the way of ourselves to let the truth write itself.
My instant download eBook that essences all the useful things I've mentioned on creativity from my podcast (82 pages, PDF):
My 'Best Of' illustrated poems:
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I've learned a lot from sport tactics and psychology that has directly helped my art and making ideas. From entering flow states to taking set shots on goal (when facing a blank page or canvas); selecting captains to make my 'team' (ideas) better, to tactically using substitutes and time outs to help find an audience for my art. Comes with a bonus tip from what I learned from my cat.
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Here I Blah Di Da about putting a book together, the nuts and bolts of my writing routine, and the balance of using engagement on social media to include certain pieces of work in a book.
Subscribe to my free Substack to be part of the podcast conversation (below). Happy to answer any questions on this episode, or previous.
Substack: https://darbyhudson.substack.com/
IG: @darby_hudson
TikTok: @darbyhudson6
web: www.darbyhudsonart.com
The past is full of possibility and constantly reinventing itself. Our old stories change with gained life experience. Some thoughts on mining our old stories and recurring ideas and honing them over a lifetime.
IG: @darby_hudson
TikTok: @darbyhudson6
Web: darbyhudsonart.com
The world makes more sense when a perfect truth is imperfectly said. Where's the balance between truth and an imperfect human voice to convey it? For me the contrast is magic and sings. It's where an artist an audience connect - when it feels like they're sharing the same sleeping dream.
IG: @darby_hudson
TikTok: @darbyhudson6
Web: darbyhudsonart.com
With so many “main characters” across social media and not enough stories to fit them all, is it more worthwhile to be an extra in your own life?
Confessional poetry was popularised in the US in the late 50’s, early 60’s by poets like Sylvia Plath and Charles Bukowski. These days it’s how nearly everyone writes in the caption on social media – “I” this, “I” that – confessional poetry in prose form. And as a form of poetry, it’s more popular than ever.
To post or not to post. How scary can it be? Is it oversharing or providing something of value?
In this episode I talk about saying what everyone is thinking and no one is saying, And finding your creative voice by wrongfooting yourself.
TikTok: @darbyhudson6
IG: @darby_hudson
Web: darbyhudsonart.com
We crave mystery in a world where there are more answers than questions. Detectives solve mysteries. Poets deepen the mystery. But they both operate on a similar plane. A poem is really a dossier of clues that take you right up to the door of a starless black night, and at that point you have to give yourself over to something vast and unresolved. And that’s the magic.
IG: darby_hudson
TikTok: darbyhudson6
Here I talk about creativity and writing as a form complex pattern recognition. And I talk on words that are lived in that an an audience can feel shining through, simply by living a whole lot of life and collecting decades of nights.
Find me elsewhere:
IG: darby_hudson
TikTok: darbyhudson6
In this episode: how I got into writing, an accidental journey, through my 20s and 30s right up until now. And a little on writing for social media and making 'content'.
IG: darby_hudson
TikTok: darbyhudson6
Some ideas on writing that I've stumbled across over 30 years.
IG: darby_hudson
TikTok: darbyhudson6
A brief talk about the influences I've had and the journey towards writing.
IG: darby_hudson
TikTok: darbyhudson6
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.