June 2022
In this ‘It Happened Here’ episode we return to South Asia and the Pacific, and the war against the Japanese.
After the disasters of Pearl Harbor, the Philippines and Singapore, and near disaster in Colombo in the first few months of 1942, the summer months would bring the Allies better fortune on the fighting fronts.
1942 would also see many changes for Britain’s Codebreakers in South and East Asia as they rushed to adapt to the changing situation – a situation requiring the service of men and women from surprisingly diverse backgrounds and communities.
As usual we are joined by Bletchley Park’s Research Historian Dr David Kenyon to tell us more.
Grateful thanks to Sarah Langston and Dr Ben Thomson for voicing our archival documents.
Featuring the following contributors from our Oral History Archive:
Edward Simpson
Pat Johnston
Image: US Navy, Naval Photographic Centre (Public Domain)
#BPark, #Bletchleypark, #WW2, #Midway80