April 2013
In the last episode of Podcast we gave you just a small flavour of The Third Enigma Challenge that was held in March.
For 4 days GCHQ’s Historical Section were based at The Big Bang Fair at London’s ExCel Centre were sending Enigma Coded Messages for the Bombe Rebuild Team to try and crack back at Bletchley Park.
On the Friday Nick Coffer of BBC 3 Counties Radio presented his afternoon show from Block B at Bletchley Park and that’s what we will be sharing with you over the next two Extras episodes.
So a huge thank you goes to The BBC 3 Counties OB Team, Emma Smith & Gareth Lloyd, Nick Coffer of course, The Bombe Rebuild Team & The 3 Belles.
#BPark, #Enigma, #BBC3CR, #NickCoffer